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  1. bein_bein

    SURVEY:Any interest in possible new winemaking devices?

    I agree Tooth...I just wasted 10 minutes watching ..shudder..that's 10 minutes I'll never get back... I agree Luc. I think a better price point would be around $25, but sometimes I am more of a cheapskate than the average person, that's another reason for my survey :). I have the 'tipper'...
  2. bein_bein

    SURVEY:Any interest in possible new winemaking devices?

    Wedges are unstable IMHO. My system will sloooowly tip the carboy as it is emptied. After some initial designs , I'm thinking I might be able to bring these in around $30 ish... p.s. your vote doesn't count cpfan...yur too old school ;) lol:D j/k
  3. bein_bein

    SURVEY:Any interest in possible new winemaking devices? being laid off work , in winter, in Michigan..I'm going a little stir crazy so I have been developing solutions to 'issues' I face when making wine and I am conducting this non-scientific survey to see if I could market these items. Problem #1 Head space. We all know about the...
  4. bein_bein

    Compact Bottle Filling

    From their website, the top of the line model is around $2600.
  5. bein_bein

    WineXpert Winexpert - Australian Shiraz Kit

    Jerseygirl, we did a Cab/blackberry kit from Wine Expert and we had the same situation with the bottles we opened that were less than 3-6month old. Now that the wine has aged for a year (and is almost all gone :( ) The 'fizz' is completely gone and the wine has a very nice full body to it....I'm...
  6. bein_bein

    Merry Christmas Happy Holidays:TSO style original song

    I've shared this on some other forums..though I'd share it here too :D Merry Christmas and happy new year to all. Here's a tune me and some buddies wrote a couple years ago. My son did all the guitar work and I'm on bass...|pe1|S8LTM0LdsaSgY1G1amw We...
  7. bein_bein


    We smeard the whole label, but yes, my cellar is humid during the summer :( I had a feeling the humidity might cause a problem, that's why I was wondering if egg whites might be a little less susceptible to moisture. Either that or I'll have to look for a different glueing method...
  8. bein_bein

    Strawberry Wine

    use a wine thief
  9. bein_bein


    Hey guys, I tried the milk-glue on my last batch . While they stuck to the bottle great initially, I am now finding (4 months later)that if I handle the bottles the labels come off very easily!:( your hand easily.... Has anyone else had this problem? Has anyone tried using straight egg...
  10. bein_bein

    Adding Fruit to wine

    All good info ...but WHEN do you add these fruits or extracts? Would the time to add be different for desired effect? i.e. for increased body you add at _____, for enhanced or additional flavor add at ______.
  11. bein_bein

    Strawberry wine

    Lookin' good Bruno!!
  12. bein_bein

    Mixing liquer in to add flavor??

    Sounds like a good idea. I have a 2 liter for topping off that I can experiment with. Thanks guys!