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  1. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    So here is the video I did of the production of the trim..and yes... if this were a business OSHA would shut me down in a heartbeat for all the 'safety violations' ... :ft lol
  2. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Pretty much option #3 LOL This was supposed to be a downsize (both sq ft size and mortgage) for us. So for us to have the finished quality we wanted at a price we afford, I had to do as much of the work as possible. Plus I have seen homes around here take up to 9 month to build complete, and...
  3. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    I'll post some links to videos I made of the construction of the house and polebarn, plus a tour of the finished upper level :D been a very busy two years Time lapse of the house build - Time lapse build of the polebarn - And a tour of the house - :D The short list of things I did on...
  4. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Thanks... The planning and overall layout would be me :D , I gave my wife free reign with the mix of colors on the pallet wall once we decided on the stains (I think there were about 7 in all, plus some clear sealer ) she did awesome with it. Steal away... that's why I post stuff :D
  5. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    Thanks! :D this is the second room we did like this except we did 2x4s on the other room. We have 9' ceilings downstairs and I want to keep that nice roomy feel, so drop ceilings are out and I didn't want to do drywall finish in case I have to add electrical wiring or audio wiring in the...
  6. bein_bein

    New Homestead of the winery :D

    So it's been about 2 years since I posted. Been busy with the new home construction (posted here), then construction of the pole barn last summer. This winter I started to focus on finishing the lower level, and more importantly the winery! :D I took the SE room of the lower level and split it...
  7. bein_bein

    Peach banana port wine and questions

    It will be interesting to follow this and see how this wine ages. I tried a peach/banana blend years ago. The banana was very prominent early on, by the time the banana settled down (about 2 years of aging) the peach was very thin and hardly present. Keep us posted with updates :D
  8. bein_bein

    Bye Bye, Photobucket

    I could have written the original post almost word for word... I backed up all my photos from photobucket and deleted my account. Pure BS in my opinion and complete greed. I have a feeling photobucket will go the way of 'my space' for those of you that remember pre-FaceBook times :P I use...
  9. bein_bein

    The Last Wine

    Pole barn is finally done! Took a little longer than I expected, but that's because I was too cheap to pay nearly $4k to have it built, and just built it myself....literally. Ok...I did have some help with the post hole digging and setting the end trusses and setting a long board or...
  10. bein_bein

    The Last Wine last video of the house... (I think.. :P ) Here's some fun I had with time lapse of the construction.
  11. bein_bein

    The Last Wine

    Thanks Jim, We think they're pretty cute too :D
  12. bein_bein

    The Last Wine

    So it's been a few months, thought I'd give you guys an update on the house. I did all the stone work and mantle on the fireplace, all electrical, finish plumbing, installed the kitchen and bath cabinets, bathroom and kitchen/dining room floors, waaay too much other stuff to...
  13. bein_bein

    The Last Wine

    Hey guys, haven't been posting but that doesn't mean I aint been busy as a one legged man in a butt kickin' contest! As you may remember, we sold our house and were gonna build. I'll spare you the details, but after 3 months of delays, we finally got started on June 21. Been a lot of 60-80hr...
  14. bein_bein

    The Last Wine

    Thought I'd give you guys a little progress report. After 3 months of setbacks (due mainly from a screwup by the title company) we finally are getting under way. Staked out the house.. Got the driveway put in.. Had the excavators dig for the foundation.. Poured the foundation.. Then...
  15. bein_bein

    The Last Wine

    ummm ...yes..yes it was.. lol. To be honest, no, it wasn't a purposeful design feature, but it did work out that way. My main focus was layering the letters to mimc the name while using the trailing half of the "N" to for the leading part of the "W". The center 'window' was just a co-inky-dink...
  16. bein_bein

    The Last Wine

    Thank you, but no, I just do the best I can with the cameras I have. Some day I would like to get a GOOD camera and take up all my spare My plan is to find used stainless steel industrial type sink, something like this There's a salvage yard near me that has...
  17. bein_bein

    The Last Wine

    Here's the foundation floor plan, you can see we did just that :D And since we are only doing the upper level for the initial construction, that leaves the whole basement open to 'design changes' :db But will definitely have a dedicated cellar and tasting room. The only thing I had hoped to...
  18. bein_bein

    New Wine Room

    Since I usually look at something and wonder "How did they do that..?" the behind the scenes stuff is where it all starts. I love 'watching' projects go from concept to finished with all the 'boring' stuff in between.... but then I'm weird that way:HB lol. Looks like your getting things done...
  19. bein_bein

    The Last Wine

    Well, here it is... the last wine ever made at Lamont Cellars A crystal clear golden hue Tomato wine... Lamont Cellars is what we called our wine-making venture carried out here in the sleepy little town called Lamont. But....since we sold our big 'ol house in November and since moved I...
  20. bein_bein

    New Wine Room

    .... not near enough pictures in this here how-to thread.. :ft lol