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  1. StimVino

    The Cran Plan

    Agree with Winemaker81 process. But would add that it’s important to take daily SG readings so that you know if the ferment is slowing or stalling. If you know there could be a problem and are tracking the daily drop in SG, but are seeing very little progress, then you can add a little...
  2. StimVino

    The Cran Plan

    My 2 cents is to step feed the yeast nutrients to avoid a stuck ferment. Cranberry is notorious for being difficult to complete fermentation. I also like the idea of using an apple juice base, or a least a blend to reduce some of the acid. If I was going to try a grape juice base, i think...
  3. StimVino

    Second attempt at wine from grapes

    I agree with Gilmango comments above and MLF may not have been complete. However, there is also a fair amount of lees in carboy from photo on 10/08. If this is the case, then I would rack off lees and be sure to top up. There is a also a point when you are oaking that the oak can take over...
  4. StimVino

    Blending Advice Needed

    I would use Global Vitners Red Grape Concentrate for backsweetening as opposed to simple syrup. I’ve found the flavor to be better using concentrates and stays integrated longer whereas simple syrup or sugar seems to continually get stronger overtime so its easy to overdo it. For your ABV...
  5. StimVino

    2024 Winemaking

    Are your Chilean wines from grapes or juice? Are they shipped frozen and did you have any issues? The Pinot and the Cab sound excellent. Curious how you make your Pinot? Ive had success blending in a little Petit Syrah. If it were me, Id take the lug of Petit and use it in the Pinot blend...
  6. StimVino

    2024 Winemaking

    Thanks for your reply and the article.
  7. StimVino

    2024 Winemaking

    Over the past couple vintages, Ive been trying to get diacetyl production out of my ML fermentation for creaminess in my wine, but have not been successful. Last year I tried Beta, tracked ML to < 0.1 g/L then added sulfite just after ML finished, but cant detect any trace in the finished wine...
  8. StimVino

    Finishing Tannins

    I actually bought a set of (3) micro pipettes that came with a few tips for each. Below is the link: MICROLIT - 3-Piece Pipettes Set, Pipettes with Adjustable Volume, Highly Calibrated and Accurate Micropipette Set with 0.5-10ul, 10-100ul and 100-1000ul Liquid Capacity
  9. StimVino

    2024 Winemaking

    UPDATE: After letting pressed wines settle in carboy for a few days, I racked the different press runs into a blending tank with their respective blends (85 Zin / 15 Petit Syrah, 85 Malbec / 15 Cab Sauvignon, & 80 Merlot / 20 Cab Franc). I tasted each carboy before racking to check for any...
  10. StimVino

    Would you use this fruit?

    My Malbec from Lanza this year came in at just under 25 brix with a 3.45 pH and required no adjustment. I currently have it blended with 15% Cab Sav and I’m loving the bold rich flavor. Big and bold is the theme for me this year. That said last year, all of my grapes were in the range you...
  11. StimVino

    Pressing with the Wineasy

    My pumace looks the same. I was thinking about your post while pressing my wines this year. When i did my Malbec, I wasn’t rushed so I patently waited for the grapes to pulse and recoil. Because we are using an electric pump, we expect the juice to shoot out instantaneously. However, if you...
  12. StimVino

    Aging wine in kegs?

    I started using small kegs last year for topping my barrels. I imagine that aging wine in kegs this way would be similar to aging wine in glass carboys. Its a sort of reductive way to age wine while preserving freshness. I’ve made wines this way and found that they benefit from oxygen when...
  13. StimVino

    2024, What are your plans?

    Are you fermenting these dry and/or are you back sweetening any if these? I see the sugar addition to the port that was added with the liqueur. I’ve had some good ports from duoro valley, but have not made this style. I’ve also made hard cider before and found that it tasted flat without some...
  14. StimVino

    2024 Winemaking

    I bought these keg dollies several years ago so the price may have gone up. I think I paid $15/ea at the time. Mine are: DeVault 12” keg dolly with casters through Amazon. Webstaurantstore also has a similar one by Regency. 12” is perfect size for standard carboys up to 6 gal. Even though...
  15. StimVino

    2024 Winemaking

    Been busy… had to press a few of them a little early this year since Im going out of town for the weekend. My Petit Syrah finished to dry in 5 days. A few of the others were tracking at about -3.5 brix per day, but then slowed down towards the end. My Merlot is still finishing in glass carboy...
  16. StimVino

    Pressing with the Wineasy

    Ill be pressing mine in the next few days. Ill take some pics and check dryness.
  17. StimVino

    Tips for making cab

    I really like your experiment and for me the question becomes does removing the seeds early in the fermentation process lead to a smoother, less astringent, wine? I think we can all agree that green seeds are bad. But, yours look brown, as they should be. So, what impact does removing brown...
  18. StimVino

    Tips for making cab

    Good amount of seed there. Let us know how the transfer affects the fermentation, if at all? Also, are you leaving one with seeds so that you can compare the difference? It would be good to have a benchmark.
  19. StimVino

    Red, white and cool

    Looks like you have something very special going on here with those awesome looking grapes and the extra skins from the white press that were added. Following along.