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  1. W

    Vacuum pump

    Im selling my vacuum pump for $100. Id really like to sell it locally and not ship it but after a few days if it doesnt sell Ill consider shipping it. PM me if interested. Below is a pic of it.
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    Valley Vintner Stainless Steel single nozzle filler

    Im selling my filler for $250 firm. Its lightly used as I really stopped making wine shortly after buying it. I really dont want to ship it but after a few days if it doesnt sell locally Ill think about packaging it up. PM me if interested. Below is a pic from the web for the exact item.
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    This is me!

    Alright, I see s lot of posts in here without pics! You people do know we don't know how to read right? LOL
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    Hi From West (By God)Virginia

    Total success story on 1st batch huh, wine is in your blood! Welcome to our family here.
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    WineXpert What's up with isinglass?

    Ive had a few problems with Isinglass myself, typically with Winexpert white kits. Everytime Ive had this problem I would stir it all back up and add the Chitosan and it would drop like a rock.
  6. W

    Kit won't clear

    Adding another fining agent wont hurt it. Most likely the company is going to send you another packet of Chitosan. I myself would get SuperKleer KC which is a 2 part blend or Sparkaloid and Im willing to bet this will work MUCH better. I stopped using what comes with kits unless 1 of these is...
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    Amazing dance a brain can't process.

    Not seeing anything on my cell?
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    Totally Amazing "What Are You Doing Today!

    Return it now and no one gets hurt!!!!!!!!!! LOL
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    What R you doing today?

    I got lucky when it happened in my car. No wine came out when 2 out of 3 bottles blew, just 2 small dents in my headliner. LOL
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    mityvac 7201 for degassin?

    I know someone who imploded a 1 gallon carboy with one but not sure it has enough power to do a 6 gallon carboy. That being said it will burn it out very fast as I have been told by many who have tried and I really dont advise putting a vacuum on glass without knowing how MUCH vacuum you are...
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    Perseid meteor shower

    OOOOOh, please remind me of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do an immense amount of late night early morning fishing wading out in the saltwater and stare at the sky all the time and typically see 2- 3 on an average night of meteors and once in a great while a shooting star. I hope its a nice clear night...
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    Men are like bluetooth...

    LOL Clever.
  13. W

    What R you doing today?

    What kinds of wood are they, unless they are exotic woods most hardwoods arent to good outside. Edging looks like Brazilian cherry to me. You obviously know what your doing and know your lumber so Im sure they are exterior woods so I would like to know what they are, Im a wood worker also and...
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    May have botched my peach

    Actually with peaches and other highly pulpy fruit its better off to add more pectic enzyme anyway and any extra will settle out and do no harm. As for acid, you may need to cold stabilize or even add acidex or similiar to reduce the acid but do an acid test to see really where it is as your...
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    Thank you!

    I typed a post way back in the beginning of this thread before work and something happened and it never made it in here. What I wanted to say was that even if it was done fermenting I would serious think about ridding that carboys of a little bit in the pics that jamesngalveston put up. That is...
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    Totally Amazing "What Are You Doing Today!

    The only things that get deleted are 1's that are offensive to many people! Eliminating that many posts would be insane! The more posts and or threads there are on a forum makes it much more common for someone using a search engine to find this forum and become a new member and 1 of this growing...
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    Totally Amazing "What Are You Doing Today!

    Good god, that thread is still going! I'm gonna have delete that 1! LOL
  18. W

    Help pick a Shiraz

    Ive only made the RJS Winery Series and it was very good. I honestly have not tried any other Shiraz kit to compare it to though so maybe others are better? I must say that IMO I usually gind the Winery Series to beat almost alk other hrands to my taste.
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    Guess Whats in THIS bottle! Winophiles!

    I was really hoping you weren't going to say wine or we were going yo have yo punish you for its clarity! LOL
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    Don't cork screwcaps : Photo

    There was a guy on another gorum who cirked a screw top and had to hsve about 5 surgeries on his gand and nerves reattached! Im pretty dure after all was said he lost like 75% movement of that hand! Cheap isnt always inexpendive and you usually pay dearly later!!!!!