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  1. W

    Getting consistent clear beer

    Maybe if you use the carb drops this doesnt happen now that I think of it but Ive never done it that way.
  2. W

    Getting consistent clear beer

    Yes, its a product of carbonation. The only way to avoid that is by force carbonating in a keg and then bottling at cooler temp to avoid carbonation loss. Settlement is a by product of fermentation which is how carbonation is made.
  3. W

    been awhile!

    Well, glad to see you back on here my friend!!!! Have a glass and stay awhile.
  4. W

    Brew Day with Pics!

    Ill add a subforum to recipes for beer when I get home later. Homebrewtalk is our sister site for those of you who dont know.
  5. W

    Runningwolf gone wild

    Im waiting for my favorite pic here!!!!!!!! Edit: Damn you beat me by 2 seconds!!! Yep, still my favorite pic!
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    Brew Day with Pics!

    I ended up selling that set up after about a year of my wife not getting a paycheck. I have brewed since but not in awhile. When I get some money again Ill build or buy myself another set up. Great thing about all electric was that I could brew right in the basement and not have to worry about...
  7. W

    Any Linkedin members here?

    Cmon, really! Isnt 1 social network enough for you guys, you really have to be on Facebook, linkdin and twitter? LOL
  8. W

    Brew Day with Pics!

    Heres some pics of the brew sculpture I built a few years ago, it was all electric and worked on gravity.
  9. W

    Brew Day with Pics!

    You guys reuse your stuff? No wonder I was spending so much money!!!! LOL
  10. W

    What a day!

    Yep, thats a busy day alright! Been there done that! Then again maybe thats why I have 3 bad discs in my back!
  11. W

    Hello from Connecticut

    Also from Ct and also from Naugatuck. I hear ya about the guns as I have a few myself.
  12. W

    my specific gravity has gone up instead of down after 6 days initial fermentation

    I concur with above post!!!! There is no way in heck you went from 1.055 to 1.30. I dont think a hydrometer even goes that high anyway!!!:sm
  13. W

    Maybe you can figure this out - I can't

    Ive only ever had 5 bottles Of Muscadine in my life and every bottle was from a different batch and a few different people and every bottle was of that exact color, its just how Muscadine comes out I believe. I was a judge once in a pretty good sized Ct. wine comp. and yes there can definitely...
  14. W

    Maybe you can figure this out - I can't

    Kind of like if John T was a judge and they made him do some Welches taste tests! LOL
  15. W

    What R you doing today?

    Not sure if you know this but thats a Jeep!!! Its not supposed to be clean!!! Its supposed to be upside down and covered with mud! Your going to piss that wrangler off ya know!
  16. W

    what have I done?!

    Welcome windshield king. I need you right now!!! I went fishing today behind a driving range and a golf ball got sent through my back window and somehow bounced in there and got my front windshield also!!! SOAB. $987!!!!! At least I had a good day of fishing before coming back to that!!!
  17. W

    Brew Day with Pics!

    Ahhhh look at that youngster working that Rigid Drill!!! Looks great and good job!
  18. W

    Score - Beer Style!

    Tom, do you have a brew sculpture? Is this a tiered stand? I made a 3 level all electric 1 a few years back and man does it make life so much easier!
  19. W

    Anyone Need Some Drums?

    I think I would crash my car from laughter if I saw that on the road.
  20. W

    The Story of My Wife

    Im very sorry to hear about this Dave and I feel yours and your wifes pain and know EXACTLY where you are coming from. We have been fighting this SAME scenerio for 3 years!!!!! The only difference is that my wifes back and neck injury was caused by a mentally challenged person where she worked...