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  1. W

    Storm Delay

    Sounds like you need a wine related generator. Power for your house you can live without but if its slowing down wine production then thats not cool!!!! LOL:dg
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    I got a surprise beer kit!

    Ive never ever racked my beer from primary bucket to carboy. When fermentation is done you only need about 1 week to clear and then bottle. If you do rack it would be just to get it off the lees so as not to disturb them while bottling.
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    Ahh ZOMG I Gotz 2000 Postz (oh and thank you)

    Congrats and thanks for all you do here!!
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    Bye-bye Motley Crue

    I sen them twice many years ago. 1 was ok and 1 was so bad that I knew every song but didnt recognize 2/3rds of the songs until the songs were 1/2 way through. The sound sysytem was horrible and they were too loud on top of it. Now Iron Maiden I seen a few years ago and that was the 3rd time Ive...
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    WineXpert Main Link and Date Code

    The rest of the numbers are batch or scan codes which typically dont mean anything to us and they dont usually tell you when they were made with the exception of some kits are 2 years expiration and some 1 and etc so if you find out what amount of time that particular kit has then subtract that...
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    RJ Spagnols Super Tuscan Recommendations?

    I loiked the RJS WS Super Tuscan way better then the Cellar Craft. I have not tried the EP but would love to. Anybody have a EP with some age on it that would be willing to trade for a WS that has about 3 years on it?
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    digital hydrometer

    Wow, $399 for a hydrometer!!! You out of your stinking mind?? Not out of line at all but we are not the biggest wine forum out there, I do believe we are second but second to none if you know what I mean! I cant see this being a big seller at that price though!
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    Am I crazy...another batch?

    Like Julie said, make as much as you can because when its ready youll have an assortment and not just 1 batch. Having 1 batch will result in it getting drunk too early and not getting a chance to age at all before its all gone.
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    anything that wont turn to vinagar

    Its not easy to turn wine into vinegar unless you are very careless in your sanitation and have mother of vinegar very close or lots of fruit flies flying in your wine. You can easily make bad wine or oxidize your wine but making vinegar isnt that easy.
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    Barolo No like

    The bottle I had of that Meg was not played with at all and directions were followed to a T. It was aged approx 2 years. I didnt make this kit, a friend of mine did who used to admin finevinewines forum before I took it over and his name was Scott but Masta was his username. It was also before...
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    Barolo No like

    I love a good Barolo but I have to say when I first started I had bought a cheap rjs Barolo and it was so crappy I gave the whole batch to someone who didnt care what it tasted like with the exception of about 2 bottles for cooking with. It was like you said flat and watery and was not anywhere...
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    Febuary blues

    Im freaking out here. The river has been frozen over for about 2 weeks now meaning I havent been able to fish in 2 weeks and no I dont do ice fishing. If I cant cast I aint fishing and all work and no fishing make Daddy not a pleasant person to be around! :tz
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    WineXpert Main Link and Date Code

    20th day of the 7th month of 2015 is your expiration date. They changed some.
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    Lost power during primary

    Pretty much lots of us have been there and done that and have the bumper sticker to prove it! LOL
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    Need help with a project

    I agree with above statements. A white like a Pinot Gris will be very good at 9 months.
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    campden killed the colour of my must?

    Some wines, typically light fruit wines lose their color when sulfites are added especially Strawberry wine. When I make delicate wines like this I usually expect them to be quicker drinkers and use less sulfites and replace some of the sulfites with ascorbic acid as a preservative.
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    Lost power during primary

    I believe he is the 1 who had to seek shelter in a motel due to no water supply (well) so not sure how close he is to his house to go back and wrap it up. It may have been vigorous enough at that point to hold enough heat to make it through but working slowly so get that puppy heated up as fast...
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    Very disappointed.

    Maybe the 1 you tasted was a much higher end quality kit? I prefer RJS over most other brand kits myself though!
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    Here it comes again!

    Really getting sick of this weather! Nothing better then working all day and coming home to 2.25 hours of snow blowing and shoveling!
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    Here it comes again!

    Well that second storm for Sunday into Monday is a possible total miss. 1 system says total miss while another says Nor'easter. After stacking a cord of wood. Saturday, doing the snow yesterday and working my back and shoulder isnt ready for this storm at all and please lord dont let that other...