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  1. W

    going to attempt a beer kit help please!

    I h8ghly recommend the foam down drops for newbies!!!! I also recommend you watching your pot very closely when boiling it especially when your adding something to it. It really really gets out of control very fast and will destroy your stove in a hurry and then your wife will never let you make...
  2. W

    Blasted snow shovels!

    I got mine from work as they had about 12 in the back room besides all the ones in the shop being used. I do little favors here and there for the boss like removing trees from his yard and he throws me bones like giving me that shovel, giving me a heavy duty steel drop down attic ladder that...
  3. W

    Blasted snow shovels!

    Ive had this baby going on 11 years, 6 of them were without a snow blower though but even then I used it to chop ice on the sidewalks and it shows no sign of breaking any time soon. Ive sharpened it a few times and uts plenty thick steel edge...
  4. W

    Has anyone tried these carboys?

    Ive seen these or ones just like them being sold at many places now. They would make a good primary if they have enough volume or if your making smaller volume but like said above I wouldnt age in them due to surface area.
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    Without spending massive amounts money there really isnt any other options.
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    Welcome back Flem!!! Missed you fro quite awhile but glad to have you back my friend!
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    Pear Wine Question

    Wineries might have a special permit to do freeze distillation. Better check it out 1st
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    This is me!

    Dan, stop looking and talking about kzimmers organ, I thought you were straight and married! Good grief!
  9. W

    This is me!

    Maybe but Id love to hook into that Pike. Never went and tried for them but would love to!!!!
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    Steve Wright's observations

    Dont forget about putting a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room to let them fight it out.
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    This is me!

    Nice Pike DD. Ive been hammering Stripers after work every day lately but moist are pretty small. I cant wait until the warmer weather when the big 1's come back up here to play!
  12. W

    Making alcoholic water?

    I restored 2 posts in this thread as Im not sure why they were deleted as there was no problem with them. On the other hand though I banned neonsyrup from this site as I dont feel it is in our best interest to let this forum run with the knowledge of helping a suffering alcoholic feed his addiction.
  13. W

    OMG! Read the REVIEWS!

    Dan, are you going to make a batch of wine with these? That will be some crappy wine!
  14. W

    Just going to say this

    You also make all your wine with very high abv's and being at higher levels means you dont need as much or any kmeta, the lower the abv and the lower the acidity the more you need kmeta! Ph also has a lot to do with how unstable a wine can be. Meads on the other hand are much less susceptible to...
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    fighting WINE SNOB haters

    Man you people really know how to derail a train! Is this a post about wine snobs or tv's, hunger, and spelling?
  16. W

    Has anyone heard from SammyK?

    Dan, call everyone by their names like everyone else. Your getting them all confused calling Jim James. LOL
  17. W

    did I ruin it? whirfloc tablets

    Tom, do you bottle all your beer? That was too much work for me!
  18. W

    did I ruin it? whirfloc tablets

    Wow, thats a lot of beer in a short period of time! I myself used to always have 4 kegs on tap in my fridge, typically a Red Ale, Magic Hat #9 clone, a wheat beer, and a cream ale. On top of that I had a 5th keg of either Sparkling Apple or Sparkling Raspberry wine.
  19. W

    Gallon Jugs

    I used to get mine from the dump/recycle center in town. There would always be a few every time I went there. That said I would ask the guys working there to save me them and any non screw cap wine bottles and I would exchange a few full bottles of my wine for what they got me. I would only have...
  20. W

    Has anyone heard from SammyK?

    Some people also did make it through the forum merger but found this forum to hard to follow or just didnt want to deal with a change. We also lost a few due to them discovering they were becoming alcoholics. That appleman guy was a real PITA though so Im glad we lost him in the mix!!!!!