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  1. W

    Clear communication needed

    I have had pigs and black bear cooked on that China cooker a few times and it comes out awesome. The bait store I go to uses 2 of them every year. After the food is done we throw some firewood on it and stand around it to keep warm as their shop is to small to all be in.
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    Happy Birthday, Grapeman

    Yeah Dan, I think he had enough flames and smoke the other day anyway!
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    Advice for Wine Making Room

    Personally with those drawings I would lose the side shelves and opt for as much counter space as possible! Once you start testing acids with a stand and have an AllInOne and stuff like that you will be amazed at how quickly you lose space! Tunes are a sure thing, I can live without the tv, its...
  4. W

    Happy Birthday, Grapeman

    Cmon, again Rich!!!!!!! I hope you have a great 1 Rich and don't forget to tell the appraisal guy about the Mona Lisa you had. I'm sure someone on here can whip up some real authentic looking receipt for that purchase years ago! LOL Here's to a better New Year for all your of us.
  5. W

    Im back! Appel!

    Yeah, cloves can very easy ruin a wine.
  6. W

    To much Potassium Matabisufite

    I just pmed you!
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    Hi from Connecticut

    There might be 1 more from Naugatuck! LOL. Lived in Seymour most of my life and spent 11 years in Middlebury until 2 years ago.
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    What to do with cream sherry.

    My wife uses the batch I made years ago to make Chicken Marsala. Its not exactly the same but actually we like it better then using Marsala wine. I also like to drink it as is but I made a bunch and can only drink so much. :i
  9. W

    Horizontal must press

    Post above was modified to delete free advertising.
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    WineXpert grape skin kits

    Nope, you actually want to stir them around to make sure you expose all the grape skins to extract every bit of color and tannins and such from them.
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    REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*

    I must say that 52 pages of high praise is outstanding and almost unheard of these days! Great job Steve!!!! :b
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    This is me!

    Great< Dans head is going to be as big as Toms pumpkin! LOL Great job all and nice to see some new faces!
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    RJ Spagnols Winery Series Cab 1 year update

    Yeah, you just cant go wrong with these WS's!!!! I wish I had the money as Id start all over and make a batch of each of them. I still yave almost a whole batch of the Super Tuscan thats going on 3 years now. I think its time to start popping a few open.
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    Rocky's Pasta Sauce

    Never knew that Rocky. Learn something new every day!
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    World Champs!

    Wow, you really dug this 1 up out of the archives!!! Masta is responsible for what Ive become, he taught me everything I know which isnt much when I look at it now compared to some of you.
  16. W

    Rocky's Pasta Sauce

    Does T stand for teaspoon or Tablespoon?
  17. W

    SG of .896 possible?

    I'm hoping you meant a starting SG of 1.092 and 1.085!!! LOL. Test your hydro. In distilled water at the temp it is calibrated to which is usually indicated by the paper it came with. Are you adjusting up or down for that Cal. temp.?
  18. W

    Happy Birthday Julie!!

    Happy birthday Jules, thanks for all you do here! I tell you what, why don't you take a day off. LOL Seriously though I hope you have a great b-day!
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    Quirky and quickie fruit presses

    Here is the 1 I built years back awhile back.
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    WineXpert Top popped off!!

    I agree that temp was not the culprit as cooling down would compress not expand the wine. Most likely due to bung not seating properly but depending on how you degassed and at what temp it could still be gassy.