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  1. Snowbird


    This one was from my new bud winemaker 3352...:se
  2. Snowbird


    Oh yeah I meant to say, I'm used to the yeast fermenting smells but this was different. Like there was bad berries in it ..hope not!!:?
  3. Snowbird


    • 6 lbs. Strawberries • Sugar – (As needed to get to Starting SG below) • Acid Blend – (As needed to get to Acid Reading below) • 1 tsp. Wine Tannin • 1/16 tsp. Potassium Metabisulfite • 1 tsp. Yeast Nutrient • 3/4 tsp. dry or 1/8 tsp. liquid Pectic Enzyme • 1 pkg. Wine Yeast •...
  4. Snowbird


    Have a off smell from the wine..What's the ideal temp. for strawberry? I have the thermostat set about 73 degrees. I'm wondering if it stop fermenting then when I put it in the secondary and started back. Smelled better after a day in the secondary.
  5. Snowbird

    Strawberry wine

    Starting sg was 1020....trying to get the hang of the formula you have to use to get a certain alcohol content. Trying to get 12.5% so the way I figured it up. I use 7lbs sugar to start and 1 lb during fermentation..???
  6. Snowbird

    Strawberry wine

    I wanna say between 35-45lbs... They where small,....quarter size.
  7. Snowbird

    Strawberry wine

    Neck and back is killin' me from washing and capping 1,000+ strawberries. Thay smell great though!:i
  8. Snowbird


    Can you tell me how to make an F-Pak?
  9. Snowbird


    I have not made this before. I'm using the recipe I received off of here...
  10. Snowbird


    35#'s hopefully by the time i cap them and cull the bad one's i'll have almost 30#'s
  11. Snowbird


    Bought my strawberries yesterday. Started looking through them and some has a little mold( White looking substance) on them . Question is can i just rinse them off and it'll be o.k. or should I discard them?:cw
  12. Snowbird

    Strawberry wine

    Thanks, Getting my strawberries this evening and will start the next day..!!
  13. Snowbird

    Strawberry wine

    I need a good recipe.....anyone?...
  14. Snowbird

    My Muscadine

    Well I ended up using 3 quarts of Welches grape juice. That's how much room I had after i went from primary to secondary. I didn't want to because I wanted just the muscadine flavor but, The more I thought about it I'm ur under average winemaker and just want good tasting wine. Old man told me...
  15. Snowbird

    My Muscadine

    Store bought juice When I buy welch's or any kind of juice it just needs to be no perservitves in it right?
  16. Snowbird

    My Muscadine

    Did you add any thing to keep it from fermenting ?
  17. Snowbird

    My Muscadine

    topping off I about to switch from primary to secondary. I'm already shy of 5 gal. I know after I rack it a couple times it's gonna get even less. What should I use to top off with? I don't want to use water. :?
  18. Snowbird

    My Muscadine

    1024 was before I added 8lbs sugar. I don't really know what a good starting s.g for it is I'm still learning only my 2nd batch of wine. Sacalait said a good start was 1.085-1.090. stirred it this morning and it was workin goood.:sm
  19. Snowbird

    My Muscadine

    grape.......its almost more red than a purple. wished my camera wasn't broke or I'd send pics...later:sm
  20. Snowbird

    My Muscadine

    Started My wild Muscadine wine Monday and it already smells good. Has a good lookin emrald maroon color if there is such. It had 1024 S.G before adding sugar. :hug