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  1. Snowbird

    Hello from East Tennessee

    Hey Mitch how long is it from start to finish when you get ready to bottle yours.
  2. Snowbird

    Blackberry recipe

    I have no idea either....I'm fixin to bottle this concasion and start over with a new recipe.I took no readings until today and it looks to be .996 .... The muscadine's are ripe where I'm at....any good recipe suggestions ?.......Thanks for the feedback,....Snowbird
  3. Snowbird

    Blackberry recipe

    20lbs blackberries 5 gallon water 14 lbs sugar 5 tsp yeast nutrient 5 tsp acid blend 6 cambden tablets petic enzyme 1/4 tsp per gal after 24 hrs add 1 pkg wine yeast stir everyday morning & night for 3 days after yeast is added after 3 days do not touch do not stir that's where my...
  4. Snowbird

    Hello from East Tennessee

    I wished I did.... I did'nt take a reading before fermentation. Actually I haven't taken any readings. I finally bought a hydrometer and learned how to use it correctly. I'm going to try it tommorrow when I get home. How long has your's been going?
  5. Snowbird

    Hello from East Tennessee

    Hello Mitch I'm making wild blackberry too.....the recipe I used called for 20lbs blackberries and 15 lib of sugar...there's no telling what I'll end up with, but so far it doesn't taste bad...!
  6. Snowbird

    Air and wine...

    Is it gonna hurt my wine taking off the air lock when taking samples to test it?And from what I gather from the beginners book posted I should lower my hydrometer in the test tube. I've been pouring wine in my tube after I set my meter in there and I'm like what the hell it won't
  7. Snowbird

    Hello from Hickman County, Tn.

    Did you use wild blackberries ?
  8. Snowbird

    Hello from Hickman County, Tn.

    I'll post the recipe when I get a chance. It's 5 gallons...picked so many blackberries I looked like I fought with a cat....(note to self: wear long sleeves and gloves next time.)
  9. Snowbird


    20lbs blackberries....15lb sugar.... After fermenting in plastic container a couple weeks I syphoned to glass carboy and its been 30 days...... I meant I put 3 cups of syrup mix to 1gallon of wine that was left over after I filled my carboy up...added my 1/4 tsp of sorbate to keep it from...
  10. Snowbird

    Hello from Hickman County, Tn.

    Cool site, I'm glad I found it. Got so excited when I did I skipped right pass this part. Making my first batch of wine (blackberry). Probably should have started with a easier one but, those blackberries out by the house look to good not to try...and cheaper than
  11. Snowbird

    Almost ready 2 bottle but,........

    Thanks for the hospitality...I reposted what I was making..hopefully I made more sense. I need to learn my termonology....I think it would
  12. Snowbird

    Almost ready 2 bottle but,........

    Thought I was ready 2 bottle...mmmm 20lbs blackberries....15lb sugar.... After fermenting in plastic container a couple weeks I syphoned to glass carboy and its been 30 days...... I meant I put 3 cups of syrup mix to 1gallon of wine that was left over after I filled my carboy up...added my...
  13. Snowbird

    Almost ready 2 bottle but,........

    30 days into it.......I believe I'm ready to bottle. I tasted it today and its a lil 2 dry....made some syrup mixed 3 cups to a gallon and taste good at first....but then its got a taste in the back of throat like maybe....acidy. Wondering if degassing it would take it away.....note it was the...
  14. Snowbird

    Dry, Medium Dry, Sweet, Very Sweet

    ready 2 bottle i think..... 30 days into it.......I believe I'm ready to bottle. I tasted it today and its a lil 2 dry....made some syrup mixed 3 cups to a gallon and taste good at first....but then its got a taste in the back of throat like maybe....acidy. Wondering if degassing it would take...