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  1. S

    Can I add more sugar to Primary after slowed fermentation?

    continued... I jumped ahead and added the sugar solution (about 1-1/2 cups in equal water, boiled & cooled) on Saturday (being impatient and a little concerned about how quick the ferment happened, I thought I'd give it a shot before waiting for replies). It brought the SG up to 1.010. Today...
  2. S

    Can I add more sugar to Primary after slowed fermentation?

    I'm making strawberry/rhubarb from fresh extracted juice, water added to make 5 gallons. About 14 lbs of sugar to 10 lbs rhubarb plus 4 lbs strawberries. 6 campden tablets (added 24 hours before yeast and other ingredients below) Other ingredients: 1 qt Welches white grape juice concentrate...