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  1. V

    carbon dioxide concern

    And there's absolutely no way that a few wine carboys will create as much CO2 has an auditorium full of people. Isn't ironic we have a new user called "Tree Air"? :)
  2. V

    Being eaten alive by mosquitoes here

    If you really exhale carbon monoxide, you have much bigger problems. :h
  3. V

    RJ Spagnols Grape skin kits

    I just bottled a batch of Kenridge Valpolicella this weekend. The final bottle ended up half-full so I tasted it. Very very good for such a young wine! I can only imagine after a few months of aging.
  4. V

    carbon dioxide concern

    I guess we should've all been dead long ago.
  5. V

    carbon dioxide concern

    And do you know how high it needs to be? Several times (by a large magnitude) than what home wine degassing can produce. Again, did you stop drinking pop? Because it has just as much CO2. And you should probably stop breathing too. Might be safer.
  6. V

    carbon dioxide concern

    You most probably have a CO detector, not CO2. Carbon monoxide is very dangerous and a greater danger if you have natural gas heating. What you wine is releasing is equivalent to a couple of bottles of pop. Did you stop drinking pop from that fear? It's full of CO2. CO2 is what you exhale...
  7. V

    When to do shrink caps?

    I usually put the caps on right after bottling. I use an old kettle and put the bottle in the steam. Shrinks instantaneously and I don't have to hold the bottle upside down. I can do my whole batch in a few minutes. If you're going to use boiling water and dip your bottle upside down, do it...
  8. V

    adding labels.

    Sorbate is like an insurance policy. You might not need it and be just fine until that one incident that will make you regret your decision. :)
  9. V

    Bottle sanitazion

    Personally, I would rinse first and then sanitize. Not the opposite.
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    I'd guess it depends if the teeth are rotting. Might contribute to in-mouth fermentation. :)
  11. V

    Alternatives to labeling bottles

    Not the kind I'm using (06499). I have bottles that are 4 months old and they're still solidly on.
  12. V

    Alternatives to labeling bottles

    I use 6499 Avery labels. They're non-permanent and peel right off. Plus you can print on them.
  13. V

    How many carboys is too many?

    I only have 3 5gallons carboys with 2 being in use right now. Then again, I just recently started making wine so you have to give me time to ramp up. ;) That said, I can see myself buying more in a not too distant future. Where will it stop? I'm not quite sure. So I don't know how many...
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    Seriously? Egg whites? Plain egg whites from an egg? Well, the things you learn from this forum. :)
  15. V

    Chemical taste in my wine

    When I bottled my Pinot Noir 2 months ago, I thought it had a strong chemical taste as well. Now, it's only been 2 months and I tasted a bottle last night. The chemical taste is almost all gone and a very pleasant one is emerging. I am very pleased and it goes to show, age will fix it for you. :)
  16. V

    Need help finding a song...

    At 0:11, by the pool. But I found it. :)
  17. V

    Chemical taste in my wine

    Wow, that's sounds like a lot. My Campden bottle says 1 tablet per 4.5 gallons. EDIT: Scratch that... I had to go check the bottle again. It's 1 tablet per 4.5 liters. My bad... I work in metric and I get confused at times. :)
  18. V

    Need help finding a song...

    I found it. I did several google searches with different terms and it finally came up. It's from Wu-Tang Clan, but I can't type the title here. :)
  19. V

    Need help finding a song...

    I know this song, but I can't for the life of me remember who sings it or what's the name of it. I'm hoping someone here can help me. This is the link to the trailer of the "Knocked Up" movie. At...
  20. V

    Decanter & Bottle collectors

    Warning... Incoming stupid question... What does a decanter do? I've seen them sold an at impressive price range from $50 to $600, but I'm unclear as to what they're for exactly. Is this to oxygenate the wine before pouring in a glass? Does that amplify the taste? And does price really...