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  1. V

    The New Brewery Is Finally Here

    That long table of lobsters so reminds me of back home in New-Brunswick. Going out to fish out our own lobsters/shrimps/clams/crabs and feast with the family. Now it's so commercialized and government controlled that all I have are memories. :(
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    RJ Spagnols Check out this site...

    Those prices can't be real.... $1?
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    This is me!

    Well... this is me... No, not the girl in white... ;)
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    This is me!

    From 2006? Are you still aging? ;)
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    Why the indent on the bottom of a bottle?

    The larger the punt, the more pain it is to fill the bottle using a filler. That's what I learned. :)
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    My First Label Also

    "La Maison Paulin" = The Paulin House Paulin is my last name. :)
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    My First Label Also

    I use Avery 6499 labels with the Avery software (free on their site). They're removable labels that just peel right off and leave nothing behind. Make sure your fingers and the bottle are dry before you apply. Example of two labels I made on that Avery software:
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    How to remove a cork inside a bottle?

    Live and learn. I just started making wine and I'm soaking up the knowledge. Next time, I'll carefully choose my bag. :)
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    Canadian e-tailers

    That has been my experience with all of them except one. Magnotta on Hurontario, south of Steeles. But their home winemaking section is rather small. I tend to stick around the area around my house. For anything farther, I might as well shop online. But that's for equipment only. For...
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    How to remove a cork inside a bottle?

    That is a very neat trick. And I tried it. Unfortunately, I guess the bag I chose to use wasn't strong enough. It ripped in the pulling and now the cork is entangled in a 1/4 of the bag. This is not my day. :)
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    Canadian e-tailers

    I'm assuming that "Americas" also includes Canada. When I started looking into making my own wine, I quickly found out that my local store doesn't carry everything and did not know about stuff I learned was part of basic winemaking knowledge. They don't know what Campden is, or a wine...
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    How to remove a cork inside a bottle?

    Yup. The retriever costs almost the same as a box of 12 750ml bottles from my local store. Oh well... Thanks!
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    How to remove a cork inside a bottle?

    I was bottling my wine today and I guess I got a little too enthusiastic on the floor corker... Shot a cork right inside one bottle. I quickly transferred the wine into a new bottle and corked is properly, but now I have a bottle with a cork inside. What's the best way to get it out or did...
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    Degassing after the Bentogram?

    I guess the vacuum wasn't strong enough or lost some of its strenght. I re-applied it and now CO2 is slowly, but steadily coming out. I'll make sure to keep it up every hours or so.
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    Degassing after the Bentogram?

    The package says Bentogram. Just did a google and it's bentonite that comes in larger granular form. I'm surprised to find out it's not degassed enough. I had the carboy under vacuum for 2 days and nothing more was coming out. Now, it's full of bubbles as soon as I introduced the...
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    Degassing after the Bentogram?

    I degassed my carboy this weekend using a pump to create a vacuum. That worked well and eventually, all bubbles stopped. I tasted the wine and sure enough, no carbonation. So today, I added Bentogram to help clear up the wine. And as soon as I did... bubbles! But this time, they're much...
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    Blocked from Jack Keller

    Same thing for me. Looks like he's rejecting all anonymous connections.
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    I've been slaving at degassing this wine and I thought I'd never see the end. So I decided to go on youtube and search "degassing wine" to see what others are doing. Came across this video: EDIT: I can't post the link since I don't have enough posts, but the title is "How To Make Wine: An...
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    temp control

    I doubt the temperature is high enough to melt anything except ice and butter. If you're melting plastic, it's way too hot.
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    temp control

    I'm quite new to wine making and thanks to this forum, I have learned a lot and have a batch of Pinot Noir resting in the basement. When I started, heat became a problem. Our basement is rather cool and too large to heat with for one carboy. So what I ended up doing was to use a large...