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  1. mjdtexan

    Hard Time Understanding S.G.

    I am having a hard time getting the whole Specific Gravity deal. I've read this ( and it helped a litte I guess. Is there something else I can study so that I can get my brain wrapped around this?
  2. mjdtexan

    My first attempt

    Well, here is my first attempt. It Joe's Ancient Orange Mead recipe. I didnt have raisons but I did everything else as specified. Its really primative. I didnt take SG or anything. My closet smells really good I am going to start this today or tomorrow
  3. 11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 005

    11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 005

  4. 11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 006

    11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 006

  5. 11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 002

    11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 002

  6. 11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 003

    11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 003

  7. 11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 004

    11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 004

  8. 11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 001

    11 26 2009 Mead in Progress 001

  9. My first attempt

    My first attempt

    This is my first ever attempt at making alcohol. 11=26=2009
  10. mjdtexan

    Yeast Amount¿

    Linky no worky
  11. mjdtexan

    Bought two bottles of wine today

    Ok, I tried the merlot today. Not at all what I expected. It was really dry. Left a bad taste on the back of my tongue. The white Zinfandel was not nearly as dry as that but not sweet. Are all Merlot's that dry? I am thinking I should try something a little sweeter with tomorrow nights...
  12. mjdtexan

    My kit has arrived.

    My equipment kit, wine kit, all of the extra chemicals, extra air locks and assorted drilled and non drilled bungs have arrived. I am going to start the wine kit tonight and probably a 4 liter bottle of mead as well.