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  1. mjdtexan

    Post Your Storage Pictures!

    I am I am. Every third week I start a 3 gallon batch of Hard Apple Cider. I make it out of those frozen juice concentrates. My friends and neighbors cant get enough of it. I made tons of Strawberry wine, drank that up. I do have a blackberry kit going right now for a neighbor.
  2. mjdtexan

    Peach from Concentrate

    The peach wine was ok, not a favorite of mine but it was well liked by the females. My watermelon plants are HUGE and I have little watermelons the size of the tip of my pinkie. I am excited. I have tons of red watermelon plants. I will probably harvest around 100 red ones. I have a few...
  3. mjdtexan

    Post Your Storage Pictures!

    You guys are something. I have managed to store one bottle of wine. It gets drank up around here.
  4. mjdtexan

    Would You Drink This Wine?

    Yes, I would not drink it. Send it all to me and I will dispose of it for you. Mjd
  5. mjdtexan

    Cleaning 1 gallon bottles

    I done bought several different carboys, have about 200 empty 750ml wine bottles, need more corks, ans am fixin to get a wine filtration pump.
  6. mjdtexan

    Cleaning 1 gallon bottles

    Yes I did. I looked beautiful. Tasted like crud. The clove overpowered the mead. My mom loved it. I am currently making a whole bunch of different fruit wines. I love those. Best to date was the hard apple cider.
  7. mjdtexan

    Low Temperature Yeast

    I've noticed that the Lalvin Yeast EC-1118 says it will operate at 10 degrees Celcius which I believe to be 50f. Have any of yall noticed a yeast that will operate at a lower tempature?
  8. mjdtexan

    Strawberry F-pac

    Ok, Thank You
  9. mjdtexan

    Strawberry F-pac

    Ok, I will try this in the early morn. Should I take the strawberries out of the freezer tonight or can I do this while they are frozen?
  10. mjdtexan

    Bottled my First Kit!!!!

    I've not ordered it yet. I know I want a wine kit but I cant decide on the one I want. I like the fruit wines really well but I still want to have a kit around. There are to many choices.
  11. mjdtexan

    Strawberry F-pac

    I have been going over old threads about F-pacs and I am just not getting it. I had 6 gallons of strawberry going. Actually it was a 5 gallon batch and a 1 gallon batch madeat the exact same time. I racked off of the lees today and had enough for 5 gallons total. I used 24 lbs of strawberries to...
  12. mjdtexan

    Bottled my First Kit!!!!

    Congradulations. That does look good. I too, am new and have only bottled one kit. I am into the fruit wines now. Question, how do you like that bucket with the spigot? Any issues?
  13. mjdtexan

    Gravity fed filter

    Is this the gravity fed filter?
  14. mjdtexan

    I've had the best time!!!

    We've got woodpeckers here too. I can never get a camera on them though. Never even thought one would go to a bird feeder. Imagine that. Good Pictures
  15. mjdtexan

    Other Island Mist Blackberry Cabernet

    Wade, I didnt write it down but I did get the SG a little above 1.95 and I would have to walk next door to look at my notes (I keep my wine projects and notes in the spare house) to see what the FG was.
  16. mjdtexan

    Other Island Mist Blackberry Cabernet

    Mine came out at about 12.5 to 13 % after I adjusted it. Everybody but me liked it. I gave a bunch away (they came back for more). My parents loved it. I did back sweeten
  17. mjdtexan


    And all it cost me was two 750 ml of very very young strawberry wine out of the 4 liters I started with. Thank God I have started a 6 gallon batch and I have 48 pounds of strawberry frozen. Have I mentioned that I am grunk
  18. mjdtexan


    Thank yall both so much. That is what i figured, kinda. I isinglslassed 3 differnet fruit wines today. My neighbor that lets me have all of the horse manure today decided that we did not need to wait on the strawberry wine to clear today. We are all drunk right now. Really drunk. I did come home...
  19. mjdtexan


    When using Isinglass on a fruit wine (or any other for that matter) do I stir everything back into suspension and then add the Isinglass or do I rack off of the lees and then add the Isinglass? Mjd
  20. mjdtexan

    MY JAO

    Those two bottles on the left, what do you have stuck in the necks? Some sort of weird air lock?