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  1. mjdtexan

    1969 Tractor

    It does not have the belly mower or any of the attachments. After I restore it I will go after the attachments. Yes, its a Kohler engine. I have since found out it is the deluxe model, it came with tunnel, breakerless ignition, foot brakes, and hydraulics. Some models came with two...
  2. mjdtexan

    1969 Tractor

    I know this is not a tractor forum, but I scored a 1969 Power King Tractor today that I have been looking at for 20years on the other side of my fence. It has sat in that one spot forever. Here is what it looks like now</font> Here is what it will look like when I am done.</font>
  3. mjdtexan

    Peach from Concentrate

    Thank You Waldo. I guess now the wait is on to see how it is going to taste.
  4. mjdtexan

    Strawberry Wine Question

    Ok, thank you. I am just wanting some of it to last until Christmas so that I can give it away to family as gifts. Tannin it is then. I did cheat a little on the recipe, I used 5 lbs of strawberries.
  5. mjdtexan

    Strawberry Wine Question

    I guess what I am getting at is do I need to do this, will it help me age the wine if I chose to?
  6. mjdtexan

    Peach from Concentrate

    Two 64 ounce boxes of the Jumex dang near filled up the 4 liter bottle. Once I added the sugar it took to get me to 1.090 it more than filled it up. I added 1 camden tablet, 1 tea spoon pectic enzyme, 1 table spoon nutrient and 1 lalvin 71B 1122 packet. I have no clue if what I did is...
  7. mjdtexan

    Strawberry Wine Question

    Thank You for that. I didnt get my chemicals from George. I wish I had of because I would be that much closer to being in the growers club. I will be getting everything else from him for the most part. The only reason I wouldnt would be if it were not economicly (sp?) feasable. So far he is spot...
  8. mjdtexan

    Strawberry Wine Question

    I am doing one of Jack Keller's recipes for strawberry wine. His recipe is as follows I am not seeing anything for camden tablets or anything like that. Right now I am still a recipe follower so I am not sure when to add these things when I dont see them. Shouldn't I be using some Pectic...
  9. mjdtexan

    Strawberry Wine Question

    It does. I thank you. I didnt add the camden but I did ada tea spoon of the pectic enzyme. Is that enough???
  10. mjdtexan


    Very nice. Looks like a great place to go. Your camera must have had a malfunction when it was photographing some of those girls
  11. mjdtexan

    Strawberry Wine Question

    I am doing one of Jack Keller's recipes for strawberry wine. His recipe is as follows [/b] I am not seeing anything for camden tablets or anything like that. Right now I am still a recipe follower so I am not sure when to add these things when I dont see them. Shouldn't I be using some...
  12. mjdtexan

    Irish Cream

    Hmmm, now I am back to thinking it would be a nice addition to a mead.
  13. mjdtexan

    Peach from Concentrate

    Thank Yall both for your answers. I am going to go ahead and use it because I have it and I need to experiment. The baby food isle is something I would have never thought of. Thank You very much for that tidbit. Mike D
  14. mjdtexan

    Peach from Concentrate

    I went to our local Hispanic grocery store today to buy strawberries (tomorrows 1 gallon project) and noticed some different juicesl I bought some peach nectar. I noticed the ingedients are as follows-water, peach puree from concentrate, sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup, citric acid...
  15. mjdtexan

    Irish Cream

    Hmmm, I didnt understand that is was whiskey. I thought it was just the Irish Cream part that was added to the whiskey. Thank Yall very much.
  16. mjdtexan

    Irish Cream

    I noticed this in the extract section in George's online catalog. Do any of yall have an opinion on whether this would make a good mead flavoring? Would this bottle be enough for a 1 gallon batch or to much?
  17. mjdtexan

    Sour Tangerine

    Ok, so I got these new airlocks, a whole bunch of 4 liter jugs and I need advice on a recipe. Well, really, I need a recipe. I went next door to my neighbors to cut some of his Hurricane Ike giant oak trees and noticed that he has a tangerine tree full of tangerines. They are the sour type. I...
  18. mjdtexan

    I found this on sausagemaker U.K. website

    I be talion too, I's got my vowell on the correct end of my last name
  19. mjdtexan

    Equipment Got Here

    I got 1. One pound of Tannin 2. One three gallon carboy (with stopper &amp; airlock) 3. Ten #6 drilled stoppers for my 4 liter jugs 4. Ten airlocks 5.Five 38mm Poly Seal screw caps for my 4 liter jugs 6. Wine thief 7. Carboy brush 8. One million packing peanuts. These were all...
  20. mjdtexan

    I may have a problem

    Thank You for that. I've found some nice places in my area.