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  1. mjdtexan

    How much is allowed?

    1000 bottles of wine on the wall.........................
  2. mjdtexan

    It's that time again...............

    Thats interesting.
  3. mjdtexan

    I blame Appleman & Waldo

    Are there steps and precautions that you can take to combat that?
  4. mjdtexan

    rocket fuel

    Wray, I am new to this so wait until someone else tells you the correct way but here is what I did on my first kit. My first kit is the WE Island Mist Blackberry Cabernet. Its still in the 6 gallon carboy. I put 4 more pounds of sugar in it to get to 1.080 SG. From what I've been instructed the...
  5. mjdtexan

    It's that time again...............

    I keep two compost bins going at all times. Love to grow stuff and eat it. Compost is about to get a lot better, going to add two steers to the back pasture at the end of this month (maybe beginning of April). I do have 20 hens that contribute to the compost right now. They are happy to do it.
  6. mjdtexan

    WineXpert Island Mist Blackberry Cabernet

    I up'ed the sugar in this kit so that I did not have to drink it all right away. Yeah, I know. In a couple of years I will have a collection like yall and it'll be all good.
  7. mjdtexan

    How much is allowed?

    Do some of yall really have more than 1000 bottles? I just mean bottles, seeing as it would be illegal to have wine in more than 1000 bottles
  8. mjdtexan

    I blame Appleman & Waldo

    Tomorrow I am going to order 1 Ison 4 Black Beauties 1 Sweet Jenny. 1 Pineapple I like to order by phone.
  9. mjdtexan

    Daylight Saving Time

    When I lived there they never did observe daylight savings. I never understood why. I kinda like it the way they did it. Now, I have to wait an hour longer to go close the pop door on the chicken coop.
  10. mjdtexan

    How much is allowed?

    So, how many 750 ml bottles do you have to have on hand to get caught with 200 gallons of wine¿ 1000?
  11. mjdtexan

    It's that time again...............

    I've already got squash, eggplants, choi, mustard greens, collard greens, tomatos, banana peppers, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, and arugala in the ground growing well. Next week, the yellow meated and orange meated watermelons get planted. Whats taking you guys so long?<BR minmax_bound="true">
  12. mjdtexan

    WineXpert Island Mist Blackberry Cabernet

    but, i'm thirsty . Yeah, I know. It is my first batch though, well, not really, I started a 1 gallon mead the day before I started that kit. I've got some apple juice in the primary now. I guess it will all pay off when I can look in the wine closet (we dont have cellars) and put my hand on...
  13. mjdtexan

    WineXpert Island Mist Blackberry Cabernet

    Not a problem, I am not in a rush, I was just making sure that everything is going smoothly, not finishing to fast or something.
  14. mjdtexan

    WineXpert Island Mist Blackberry Cabernet

    I have one of those kits going. I have been through step 1 and almost all of step 2. The ending of step two says to leave carboy for 10 more days. The beginning of step three says to check (after ten days) the SG and see if it is .996 or less. Well, I noticed today that all of the sudden...
  15. mjdtexan

    I blame Appleman & Waldo

    You were posting the same time I was, I am going to order from them. scuppernongs huh? You made me go look that up. I might have to get a couple of them as well.
  16. mjdtexan

    I blame Appleman & Waldo

    I hadnt thought of that. When I contacted them (last night-by email) and they answered (today-by email) I only asked about the Black Beauty kind because that is what is in Waldo's recipe. Their reply was only about the Black Beauty type. I may as well get those though ifin I am going to have to...
  17. mjdtexan

    I blame Appleman & Waldo

    I have contacted Isons, I guess I may be a little late as they only have 1 year old plants for $4.95 apiece. Ifin I am reading things right, it takes 3 or 4 years to get muscadines? Should I order these right away or should I continue to search for some two year vines?
  18. mjdtexan

    I blame Appleman & Waldo

    Its their fault. Appleman noticed elsewhere that I had taken a small interest in someones grape vines. He, being Appleman, invited me to take a look at his thread about his grape vines and such. Well, I've been a little bummed ()about the fact that I didnt think grapes would grow well...
  19. mjdtexan

    How much is allowed?

    I was reading this article on growing grapes in Texas and I saw this statement " Home winemakers are allowed to make up to 200 gallons of wine per year for their personal consumption" Is this a true statement? I couldnt find anything else that says that. I am not even close to having make 200...
  20. mjdtexan

    Champlain Valley - Grapemans' vineyard - Planting to small winery

    Ok, I am only on page 18 of this thread right now. You must be having a blast with all of those vines and apple trees not to mention the tomatos and peppers. I saw where you rented an auger earlier and I said to myself, "he does nothave a tractor, I wander why?". Then on page 18 I see you havea...