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  1. mjdtexan

    General Lees Question

    Thanks Everybody. I had not even thought of them being the yeast. So, the sugar gets used up 100%?
  2. mjdtexan

    General Lees Question

    I thought it was funny, I do really want to know about the lees though.
  3. mjdtexan

    General Lees Question

    I have a General Lees question. I am doing one of the cheaper wine kits and like yall have said, there are lees building up in the bottom. They appear to be white(ish) in color. What exactly are they? Are they used up sugar? Will they be good for compost or anything neat like that or are they...
  4. mjdtexan

    bpm's ?

    I too liked your explanation. It was easy for me to understand, which to me is important.
  5. mjdtexan


    There a couple of Arborist forums that I would post that picture to immediatly. These guys on those forums love to help people with that kind of thing and it would keep the local arborist honest. Good luck with your tree. Seriously, I've gotten good sound advice from there.
  6. mjdtexan

    old recipe dandelion wine

    No no, these must be mailed to me immediatly
  7. mjdtexan

    Tannin Question

    I was looking at a Apple Concentrate Wine recipe today and it called for ¼ tsp Tannin. I was not smart enough to order any when I ordered my stuff. Is there a handy substitute available in most pantries?
  8. mjdtexan

    Tannin ?

    I was looking at a Apple Concentrate Wine recipe today and it called for ¼ tsp Tannin</font>. I was not smart enough to order any when I ordered my stuff. Is there a handy substitute available in most pantries?
  9. mjdtexan

    bpm's ?

    I really wanted to use a wine yeast for that, but in the spirit of following directions while I dont know what I am doing I decided to follow the directions. I was 4 or 5 days late putting the raisins in though. I used my hydrometer (I know, I know) to push them into the must. I tasted the juice...
  10. mjdtexan

    bpm's ?

    As yall know, I am new to making wines/meads. I started my 1 gallon of JAO the day before I started my 6 gallon wine kit. 02-26 2009 is the start date of the mead. Anyway I took the 6 gallon wine kit out of the primary yesterday and put it in the 6 gallon carboy. This morning I go to take a look...
  11. mjdtexan

    My first time racking to secondary

    Ah, that makes since.
  12. mjdtexan

    My first time racking to secondary

    By bigger I assume you dont mean more than 6 gallons. You mean kits that are up the ladder in cost? That makes me wonder about fruit wines. As yall may have guessed, I am wanting to do fruit wines after I have done a few kits. I am doing the kits because yall recommened doing that and...
  13. mjdtexan

    My first time racking to secondary

    Dang it Wade. Nothing I can do for it huh? What do you recommend for a second kit that I can age for a few years. I like a sweet table wine (not dessert wine). I have not got into the whites yet but I want to. I need to spend some money with George anyway. He's got some good incentives for me...
  14. mjdtexan

    My first time racking to secondary

    Well, I did my first racking to secondary today. I am doing the Island Mist Blackberry Cabernet kit. I waited (and waited) until the SG was 1.010 like the kit said. Yes, I raised the alcohol level in the beginning. I wanted to be able to age about 7 bottles for many years. Anyway, I left the...
  15. mjdtexan


    Does one chop up said banana, slice up said banana, shove it in whole, or does it matter? Skin?
  16. mjdtexan

    old recipe dandelion wine

    That wine sure looks good. It cleared up real nice. I hopeI get good looking results like that.
  17. mjdtexan


    Aha, paint straining bag!!!!!!!!!! Dem dere be cheap round these parts. Thank You all for the tip
  18. mjdtexan

    The art of racking

    So, you just put a block of some sort under one side of the carboy?
  19. mjdtexan

    Favorite fruit wines?

    As I am the new guy currently waiting (and waiting) on my first batch of wine (and mead) to get done, I think each of you should send me a bottle of the wines you listed as your favorites. I've never even had fruit wine (except grapes of course). Yep, that seems proper.
  20. mjdtexan

    Oh, the waiting

    Neither of my batches is a week old and its driving me nuts. Maybe I should make beer to drink while I am watching the wine, que no¿