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  1. mjdtexan

    Oh, the waiting

    And I'm still waiting. I checked the SG today on the Blackberry Cabernet. Its 1.030. Looks like I might get to take it out of the primary in a couple of days and put it in the carboy. I guess I dont do anything to the JAO mead for a long time huh? Just go look and make sure no bear has tried...
  2. mjdtexan

    Old 5 gallon carboy

    It seems to be in good shape. I am thinking of going and looking at the other one she has.
  3. mjdtexan


    I dunno if elderberries will grow around here. I dont think I would replace the watermelons though. I am interested in growing other fruit though. I went to a guys house a few days ago and he had 7 orange trees with just tons of oranges on the trees just rotting. Kinda made me mad but there his...
  4. mjdtexan

    Old 5 gallon carboy

    I scored an old 5 gallon carboy while shopping at the street side flea markets in Cut-N-Shoot Texas today. I got it for $14. I think I got a good deal. She said she has another ifin I want it.
  5. small pic

    small pic

  6. mjdtexan


    Waldo, I am jealous my friend.
  7. mjdtexan

    Oh, the waiting

    Nope, but I will soon, now that you have steered me in that direction. I went out flea market lookingin Cut-N-Shoot Texas today and I found an old 5 gallon carboy for $14. I think I got a good deal on it. It is smooth on the outside, not like the new 6 gallon one that I got that has the...
  8. mjdtexan


    Dunno, thatsa why Ima askin yall. BTW, I enjoyed your Cracked Corks WV Elderberry Webpage
  9. mjdtexan

    Oh, the waiting

    Wow, thats a big batch of mead. Just curious, how much honey in a 6 gallon batch¿
  10. mjdtexan


    I was thinking that as well, I was just wondering. Its to bad really, because then I could make watermelon wine batches all year long as I grow several different kinds and it would be nice to have concentrate. I guess I am going to have to experiment with freezingwatermelon juice. Maybe I could...
  11. mjdtexan

    donut wine

    Homer Simpson would probably be proud of this wine.
  12. mjdtexan

    You guys make me Sick!

    I wonder what the status is on this wine?¿?
  13. mjdtexan


    I was reading this older post when a question popped up in my head. Would one of these be practicle to make watermelon concentrate?
  14. mjdtexan

    My Diamond Wine Rack is complete

    I like it. I like it very much. Maybe some dovetail joints.
  15. mjdtexan

    Oh, the waiting

    Your probably right. The last, ahem "renters" we had in there did not do very well on the rent part. So we says "ok, just keep up the maintenance". Well, they did not do very well on the maintenance part either. So now I grow a vegetable garden over there, use the garage as my wood shop, and one...
  16. mjdtexan

    Oh, the waiting

    Ha ha, thats impossible. Could never happen. Not in a million years. You wanna know why? Cause we dont have cellars here . I keep reading about yalls cellars and thinking that would be cool to have. I do have a four bedroom (very nice too) house next door that I just dont rent out. One of the...
  17. mjdtexan

    Oh, the waiting

    Ok. Some observations from a completely new guy. 1. The wait. The wait is a brutal thing. What do you guys do, start a new batch every week to have something to do in this hobby? 2. I feel like I should go in there and stir it every day. I'm not though. I am following the directions. 3...
  18. mjdtexan

    Removing Wine Labels

    That workedgood a couple of days ago, I now have fifty more bottles to do today. I wonder if spraying them with WD-40 before you even peel the labels off would work, that way you could skip a step.
  19. mjdtexan

    My first attempt

    We'll see how it goes, it is only 1 gallon. I started the blackberry cabernet kit today. Kept notes. I've realized that the first 6 months or so of this hobby are going to be brutal with all of the waiting. You almost have to keep wine going all of the time huh?
  20. mjdtexan

    Hard Time Understanding S.G.

    Thanks Jim I finally figured it out. Its really simpe, I dont know why I had the brain blockage there. Probably not enough wine in my system yet. Started my Blackberry Cabernet today.