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  1. W

    sort of stupid question?

    [break the bottle? You knew that was coming.] Well I know it now!!
  2. W

    here now! always looking for help~

    I have made mainly fruit wines , like blackberry, peach/apricot , wildberry.. When buying wine a favorite is Reunite lambrusco wine. I hope this helps. You mention sweeten??? Add more sugar? Or is there something you buy to sweeten?? Here is where I am lost! Thnaks for your help~
  3. W

    sort of stupid question?

    I got 2 bottles that the cork when down into the bottles.. Any thoughts how to get them out?? :mad:
  4. W

    here now! always looking for help~

    I have made mainly fruit wines , like blackberry, peach/apricot , wildberry.. When buying wine a favorite is Reunite lambrusco wine. I hope this helps. You mention sweeten??? Add more sugar? Or is there something you buy to sweeten?? Here is where I am lost! Thanks for your help!!
  5. W

    here now! always looking for help~

    I make mainly sweet wines & some semi-sweet wines... I do not like dry! I was reading about a Welch's wine recipe but I am confused how to know how to make the wine [from scratch] sweet?? Hope you understand what I mean?
  6. W

    here now! always looking for help~

    I was searching the web looking for any info I could find on making HOME MADE wine... I am making wine from kits but want to "upgrade" to making wine batches from scratch. I accidently came across this site & an hoping for some help!!