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  1. W

    seasons and questions for the old timers

    ol' boy thanks for the list of when fruit comes in... Saving this to my PC!! :b
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    question on sweetening

    OK thanks.. This is what I thought but like to check myself~~
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    question on sweetening

    I would like to make a batch of wine and when its ready to bottle, split the backsweetening wine part [think thats what its called]. Making 1/2 real sweet & 1/2 semi sweet!! I know to add sobate & campdon pills. But wondering when I bottle 1/2 then add more sugar & bottle the other 1/2...
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    Best Yeast for Recipe?

    Update for the Strawberry/Banana/Grape wine: In 8 days my must went from 1075 to 1000.. I am excited to taste this wine!! Also THANKS FOR EVERYONE'S HELP~~ :b
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    Best Yeast for Recipe?

    Thanks Smurfe I like very sweet wine.. I ferment it to dry then sweeten it.. After telling me any would be good I will use what I have the most of!! Knowing what kind of wine I drink = is there a certain yeast that is best for real sweet wines?? Or does it depend on what the wine is...
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    Best Yeast for Recipe?

    Another yeast question?? I am starting a regular Welch's grape juice wine.. I normally use Montrachet yeast but am out... My choices are Cotes Des Blanc, Premier Curvée, Pasteur Red & Champagne [red star]... Which one would you use?? 2 cans (11.5 oz) Welch's 100% frozen grape...
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    1st time dandelion wine help?

    Sulphite is Potassium metabisulfite (Campdon pills) Right???
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    1st time dandelion wine help?

    OK to make sure I understand what you are saying: You put the petals in a nylon bag [I use paint bags] when I am "steeping" the flowers??? Or afterwords?? :b
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    Plastic Milk Jugs for the Secondary

    My "lesser half" bring plastic 5 gallon water bottle home for FREE which got me using them and I use them ALL THE TIME with GREAT results So Far~~~ :b
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    1st time dandelion wine help?

    About the raisins, I hate eating them so will I taste them in the wine?? I think your recipe sounds easier??
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    1st time dandelion wine help?

    We are starting to pick dandelion flowers to make dandelion wine [for the first time].. Freezing them like was mentioned! [think it was Luc] I found this recipe 2 qts dandelion flowers 3 lbs granulated sugar 4 oranges 1 gallon water yeast and nutrient This is the traditional...
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    Best Yeast for Recipe?

    I checked & do have 1 Pastuer Red!! [so will go with it] Wondering how do you you know when a wine needs more nutrients??? OK maybe a dumb question?? Is Yeast Energizer same as Yeast Nutrients?
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    Best Yeast for Recipe?

    I bought some nonconcentrated Strawberry/Banana juice. [100% juice. no sorbate] and also some concentrated Welch's grape juice to make 6 gallons of wine... I plan on using the Welch's recipe.. 2 cans (11.5 oz) Welch's 100% frozen grape concentrate 1-1/4 lbs granulated sugar...
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    This is me!

    Whinemaker, no idea why, but I thought you was female... {no hitting me} Allie That is some good detail on the bird!!
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    This is me!

    I decided what the he** I would show me before I started WW & after!!
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    I looked at Boozehag's work.. I like old run down building's kind of pictures.. Thought that was a good pix!! I didn't see a address to Allie's site??
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    This is me!

    Boozehag The picture of you in the red dress & blondle hair, you slightly remind me of Heather Lockleer [last name spelling??]
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    New Smileys

    My Favorites are the cheers & drunk ones................ As for the PC one... Have definitely fell that before. hehe
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    Thanks for telling what the writing meant...... As I was looking I "as Boozehag said" wished I could read what was there.......... I will check out the other 2 art sites then!! I feel a bit jealous thought, because I can NOT draw, paint or sing! My spelling SUCKS but so far WITH THIS...