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  1. W


    I checked out your GF's art site & I liked the picture that was this written under it.. [Langs de Rotte 05 Miniatuur op linnen Prive collectie ]
  2. W

    Other Hobby Topic Areas

    Am I to late to vote??? Hate coffee I would be interested in cheese I also agree with the Alaska guy - like the idea of liqueurs??
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    Any Polka fans in Here ?

    NO WAY but my father liked it..?...
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    Pretty bottles

    Those blues one you have are pretty.. I got some that are a darker blue.. Also pretty but harder to fill because I have trouble seeing when its filled... uummmmm, maybe I need better lighting?? lol
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    Campden tablets vs. powdered k-meta

    I learned the hard way about different strength of these 2 things.. I bought the K-meta & added by what I thought the directions meant!!? So I added 5 teaspoons s of K-meta to a 5 gallon batch!! It never fermented!! Now I use the tablets ONLY!! lol
  6. W

    any thoughts?

    Kool, and thanks for the answers~
  7. W


    As for he insects, thinking the alcohol would kill "problems"???
  8. W

    any thoughts?

    I bottles 2 different wines today. A Vintner's Harvest Blueberry wine & an Apple [from fresh apples]. At the end of this I ended up with 1/2 of each batch left over so I threw them together and made a "mixed" bottle.. Anyone else ever do this? I am wondering how this will turn out...
  9. W

    Welcome Wade!

    I was pleased to read that you = Wade, took the job of handling all the problems that go with being a Administrator.... I am sure its even more work then I imagine!!!~~ :cool:
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    WineXpert island mist!

    I have made quite a few Island Mist wine & have liked them ALL!!
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    Wedding label

    Neat picture!!!~
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    What to do...what to do...

    I have no answer but I have run into same problem!! :eek:
  13. W

    need some help..

    Thanks for the help........... :cool: The recipe I am talking about is Welch's Frozen Grape Juice Wine 2 cans (11.5 oz) Welch's 100% frozen grape concentrate 1-1/4 lbs granulated sugar...
  14. W

    need some help..

    I picked up some Pomegranate/Cranberry juice.. 6 = 64 oz bottles. NOT concentrated.. I want to add concentrated grape juice to it... My Question?? how much do I need to add to make this a 5 gallon batch?? I really SUCK at figuring this kind of thing out!!! Also can I use the normal Welch's...
  15. W

    What is this yeast?

    non-grapenut Thats a cool site & thanks!!!! :)
  16. W

    A supply source to consider

    I got my Started Kit from them & some wine kits and I have nothing bad to say about them.. I found a local place that is cheaper is the only reason I don't order from them anymore but if I needed something I couldn't find at the local place I would order from them~~
  17. W

    Historical methods

    {Like being the new kid on the block with the only swimming pool} I laughed when I read this because this is exactly how I feel... lol
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    Historical methods

    WONDERING?? how much info about the old ways of making wine has been lost in time??? I mean, we use all these chemicals that they didn't have then but did they have "old wife's tale" remedies that was similar?? Hope I explained what I mean correctly?? ;)
  19. W

    Bottle Question

    I have used similar whiskey bottles that seem to have worked fine. But then I have not had them for a year yet.. Now to hear what the experts say?
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    Sharing Here.... The Raspberry/Grape wine I started back in 2/5/09 that I added to much Potassium Metabisulfite to has started to ferment... I WAS SOOOO SHOCKED!! :D :D