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  1. W

    Will low temp hurt my batch?

    { Can you put a small heating blanket around it? } Do you mean a regular heating blanket that you use on a bed??
  2. W

    You know your a wine maker when:

    OKK Sorry SID :( and Wade, you still would need a coat... Not quite as bad as SID but;;; :rolleyes:
  3. W

    You know your a wine maker when:

    Sid, {..when the wife throws you and the dog into the backyard and then throws that "thig-of-a-muh-jig" at you} and in Alaska I hope she throws a coat out too...........
  4. W

    I scored again

    TY for the dime idea.. This will help me!
  5. W

    Got a story to tell..

    I started a apple wine from frozen apple juiced & after 6 days I could not figure out why nothing was happening so I decided to check my notes to see if I had used Potassium Metabisulfite instead of Campdon pills AGAIN... Here I never added the yeast!!! :o Does anyone else do silly things...
  6. W

    I havent been on a lot lately

    WOW.... and I though having 7 going [buckets & carboys] was alot.. You sure have me beat~~
  7. W

    I took the plunge

    {Heck I got it alot cheaper online even with shipping. Go figure} WOW, EVEN WITH SHIPPING?? I know the shipping is what kills you!!!!! My starter kit came with this silly corker that I could NOT use.. So I ended up getting a floor corker. The local store near me [45 mins away] is cheaper...
  8. W


    This morning I splash racked the Boysenberry and added Cuvee yeast.. I also have a Welch's Raspberry/Grape wine that I think I also over dosed... I started it 2/5 with no change & used same K-meta on this batch! What yeast do you think I should use? My choices are Red Star Montrachet, Cote...
  9. W

    What is a recommended fruit to use to transition from juice concentrate to a "whole f

    what I am wondering is, does this wine REALLY taste like bananas? We love bananas here and this would be a GREAT wine as long as it really does taste like banana!! ??? :confused:
  10. W


    OKK now do I add more yeast after I Splash Rack??
  11. W


    CRAP!!!! :mad: So for future use [still have a lot left of this K-meta] how much do I use per gallon or do I just throw it out & stick with Campdon pills?? The directions said 1/6 teaspoon per gallon so I assumed about a teaspoon/5 gallons would be ok.. Or was my math screwed up...
  12. W


    The batch is a 5 gallon batch as for K being the chemical name for Potassium = that is one of them thing I SHOULD HAVE GUESSED... lol I added 1 teaspoon of Potassium Metabisulfite / K-meta [I went by the direction on the Potassium Metabisulfite package] Thanks for all this help I have...
  13. W


    K-meta? I added Potassium Metabisulfite.. This is what you mean?? Yes I filtered the water but not boiled it.. I have it in a "bucket" with lid.. I did stirred it up & will give it a day or so like Twissty mentioned & then if needed will try the splash racking.. and thanks for...
  14. W


    How is your temps? I keep the area about 70° was your water heavily chlorinated?, Did you boil it? I run the water through a purifier [pitcher style] What did you use for sanitizing? one step Did the kit include sorbate?...did you add them by mistake? you get...
  15. W


    I started a Vintner's Harvest Fruit Bases = Boysenberry on 1/20,, SG was at 1090! Next day I added Red Star Cote des Blancs [had no Cuvee at the time which is what the directions called for].. On 1/29 it was the SG was still at 1090 and I added Red Star Curee and today is still at 1090!! I...
  16. W

    That damn Cork!

    I had a bottle that I replaced the cork because it did that same thing, except it was only in 1/2 way.. The 2nd cork did the same thing and then I took a bit out and the 3rd cork worked great!! Just Sharing......
  17. W

    Using Frozen Fruit?

    ohh OK sounds like I need to get a food scales if I am too keep making wine from fresh fruit!!!!
  18. W

    Using Frozen Fruit?

    I am not sure what you mean by "ratio of weight against juice". I have made no notes turning the apples into juice but I do keep notes when making wine!!
  19. W

    Using Frozen Fruit?

    Today. I checked the apples and there was some juice & I ran it through a seive.. Got much more juice. This is soooo neat that I am getting juice from it!! I have never made applesauce or juice before so this all is new to me.. NOW if the wine just makes me as happy!! lol :cool:
  20. W

    You know your a wine maker when:

    Wde [U know youre a wine maker when you walk through the isles in the grocery store saying" Yep, I can ferment that"!] I LIKE!!!