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  1. W

    You know your a wine maker when:

    non-grapenut, doesn't that pi** you off when that happens?? :mad:
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    You know your a wine maker when:

    When: you "waste?" $$ to heat the basement so you can continuing to ferment wine.....
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    Using Frozen Fruit?

    Wade Im not sure how you can ferment something with no juice??I mean just add water & a bag of mush?? Luc There is NO juice at all. It is like applesauce.. I was a bit disappointed this morning because I left it sit out [covered with lid] over nite & thought maybe that would "help" juice...
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    Using Frozen Fruit?

    Luc I decided to try freezing apples to make juice for the first time.. I got the idea from your web site.. I used Winesap apples! I peeled, cored & cut into pieces & put into baggies and froze for about a week [oops, forgot about them] Now they are thawed and I do not see juice!!! They...
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    Should yeast be at room temperature beroe rehydrating?

    Arcticsid Good Question!! Wondering now.. what would happens if you put cold yeast in??
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    Old-school winemaking...

    {And he uses anything to put the wine in. Screw top wine bottles, plastic jugs from grape juice or apple juice} and he stores the wine like this for along time?? [my long time is 2 yrs max...]
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    wine making kits?

    I got my starter kit from online and just get kits & fruit juice cans [Vintner] there.. Sorry I guess I should have read the whole thread!! :(
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    wine making kits?

    Central Pa = are you anywhere near Lemoyne?? There is a wine/beer store there!
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    wine making kits?

    I agree with bein_bein here.... I started with kits [still make kits] but now have made some wine from concentrated juice & want to try fresh fruit once I get this concentrated juice wine down pact!! just my opinion~~
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    WineXpert question [kit]

    CPFAN [measure 23 litres (6 US gallons) of water into] This is on the directions but silly me did NOT do that so I will take your advice.. I had to laugh here at myself because I have in the past told my hubby about not doing things by the directions!!!!!!!! Dang = hate when this comes...
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    WineXpert question [kit]

    Cool because this is exactly how I/we drink it... ;) I hope the same is for Welch's concentrate juice wine because it is treated the same way???.. :o This has become my FAVORITE site!!!! :cool:
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    WineXpert question [kit]

    [will shorten its shelf life a little more.] How much shelf life are we talking about?? A year or so or many many years??
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    WineXpert question [kit]

    You know Wade.. I was just thinking I bet I added a bit more water then I should have.. And would adding more hot water in the beginning then normal matter??
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    WineXpert question [kit]

    Thanks Wade and CPFAN I am ok with it having a low alcohol content..
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    WineXpert question [kit]

    yes I stirred it.. After I read the SG I stirred it again, waited a few minutes then took another SG reading = was the same 1040! Will this changed anything other then the alcohol content??
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    WineXpert question [kit]

    I started a Inland Mist Wildberry Shiraz kit today. The direction said the SG was suppose to be between 1048 & 1052.. Mine is 1040 [my temp is at 72] Is it ok to go ahead & add the yeast??
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    Winemaker magazine International Awards

    WADE You made me laugh out loud with [I think its a little crazy paying $25 per bottle for someone to drink my wine!] Great Point There!!!!
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    Time start to finish

    CPFAN sorry = misunderstood!!! but thanks for all your info!!~
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    Time start to finish

    CPFAN I am one of the people who when the 2 months are up I start drinking [what kits recommend = Vintner & Inland Mist] I have 2 bottles left of Inland Mist Blackberry that I bottled 8/28/2008. And I will try what you suggest!! :cool: [Sure start drinking it right away, it will...
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    Just to say Thanks!!!

    I agree with what is said in this thread because I would have never tried to leave the kits to go to bigger/better things if not for the help here.. I wonder how long it would have been till I ran into trouble with a kit & just gave up this wine-making?? All that $$ spent of the equipment &...