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  1. W

    wine making question

    chrisber Really Good Question... Want to hear the answer to this one?
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    a problem or being impatience??

    I suggested about stabilizing the wine now because I don't really want the wine to be much higher in alcohol content then 12%.. As for taste, to me = I am happy with it.. I was looking for a sweet wine that has a strong grape taste and this is similar what I was looking for~ Thanks for...
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    a problem or being impatience??

    Gee I am feeling stupider & stupider here lol But Learning~ 1st Seems I wasn't aware what must really was..! 2nd Can I just add sorbate & campdon pills at this point?? I will save how you make a yeast starter for future reference...
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    a problem or being impatience??

    OK if I understood what I was reading [on web search] yeast starter = means I just add another packet of yeast to the must??
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    a problem or being impatience??

    I have a batch of Welch's wine fermenting.. and I am wondering if I have a problem or if I am just being impatience?? 12/17 started wine 12/18 added yeast SG 1130 [seemed high = but I didn't check the SG before I added sugar - know better now] 12/26 SG 1070 12/31 SG 1060 1/2 SG...
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    Mixing fruit juices for wine?

    OK Kool!! Thanks.
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    Mixing fruit juices for wine?

    Thanks for your thoughts.. I am looking for a grape wine with an apple taste included.. So I guess I want the grape to be the more predominant... My grape juice is is sweetened but the apple juice I got had no sugar added.. Will this change anything??
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    Mixing fruit juices for wine?

    I have decided to make a batch of Welch's grape 100% frozen concentrate. But want to make it apple/grape wine. What I would like an opinion on is; do I use 1/2 of the cans grape with the other half being apple?? or am I better to use more of one of the flavors? Recipe I am using is...
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    185 ML bottles

    I have put some of a batch of wine into used cooler bottles & like Racer I had to put a piece of wood on the pad to put the cork in but worked well for me!~
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    welch's receipe

    Cabsav, With this info "As with ALL recipe's the canned or fresh ingredients you use will differ in there sugar content so you MUST check starting SG before adding sugar amounts listed. The goal is a starting SG of 1090 for alcohol content of 12%-13%" I finally got it into my brain how...
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    5 gallon Water Bottles

    I use the water bottle.. Mainly because "my lesser half" can get then FREE!!!!
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    Any other motorcyclists in here...

    wingnutooa cool car there.. we have a 72 charger & 68 satellite.. But ours needs more work then yours... lol
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    covering a carboy

    Sacalait I will be truthful here; I had to look up what prophylactic was but then I laughed out loud.. I bet it was a real conversation piece!!!!! lol
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    welch's receipe

    I made a 1 gallon batch of Welch' concentrate 100% to see if I liked it.. At the end I added more cans of Welches & some wine conditioner.. When I bottled it I tasted it and I liked it soo much I have a 5 gallon batch going now!!!! I guess its what we like???
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    covering a carboy

    I am trying the plastic bag/rubber band idea.. I put Welches frozen grape juice in it! Wish me luck!!!! lol
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    My first Label design

    DANG!! Red/Black together is my favorite color... Great Label~ :cool:
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    smell during fermentation?

    I remember the first time I smelled fermentation happening in my wine.... I thought what the h*** is that smell? Now I say = ummm wine ah working !!! lol
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    Wade Ty for the site/recipes.. I saved the Welch’s Niagara Wine (Not Concentrate) to my PC.. ;)
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    Using Frozen Fruit?

    Luc Thanks for the info about making juice from apples without expensive equipment... I saved that to my PC for the future..
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    covering a carboy

    Luc I enjoyed reading about Christmas in your country.. I even c/p it to my niece to read!!! As for the bag/rubber band you don't put a hole in it at all?