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  1. W

    covering a carboy

    I have a 5 gallon cherry wine [from Vintner wine base can] ready to go to Secondary Fermentation [its already overdo] I have a 5 gallon carboy to put it in but have not gotten the airlock to fit it yet! Question? is there anything I can use to cover it till I can get a airlock?? Getting the...
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    Question concerning a wine kit

    So Cool.... I didn't realize I could add sweetener to the wine when I went to drink it [in glass]. I can use wine conditioner?? As for giving more info = I will make sure of that from now on!
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    Question concerning a wine kit

    Sorry, didn't think the type of kit mattered?? Need any other info? Vintner's Bergamais Friend & I shared the cost of the kit [splitting it between us then] she wants it to be semi-sweet.. I can live with that but love sweet better!!
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    Question concerning a wine kit

    OK TY.. I was only wondering because of it being a kit? Didn't think it would matter but was double checking! ;)
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    Question concerning a wine kit

    When making a wine kit can I add a sweetener [in what I call the 3rd step].. Hope I explained this correctly??
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    Kiwi wine variations

    uummmm, Know what? apple kiwi sounds really good!
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    Bailey's Irish Cream

    Glad you warned us.. Made me smile thinking of the old "bootlegging" stories!
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    Paying more attention

    OK thanks for telling me this!!
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    Bailey's Irish Cream

    I never gave making Bailey's Irish Cream at home.. We like this for get-togethers & such! I sure am learning alot on this site... KOOL!!!!
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    Paying more attention

    I have often seen Jack Keller's site mentioned on here but just ran across it by accident for the first time & was AMAZED at all his recipes! I guess I should have checked the site when I first read about it here! I guess I need to start paying more attention~ lol
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    hesitant to start... some questions for you!

    I too drink some wine most days [more wine on the weekend lol] My Opinion about wine kits is SO FAR they are as good as what I buy at wineries & the state store! Like CPFAN said - sometimes mine is better.. As for Juice [from cans], I have 2 started but will see what I think of it when...
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    Wine Gifts

    vanilla extract = Thats sounds cool...... I must look for a recipe online for this!! hope its not hard to make.??. Thanks for the idea~~
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    Wine Gifts

    Doesn't that feel great when others compliment your wine?? lol Without this site I would never have been brave enough to "upgrade" from kits~
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    Wine Gifts

    For Christmas I gave wine as a gift to many.. One of the most asked question was "where did you learn how to do this?" I told them all about this terrific site & all the help I have gotten here!! Just Sharing Here~ :cool:
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    Removing labels from bottles

    {soda ash (household soda)} Does he mean baking soda or something else?? Sorry if this is a silly question to some!~
  16. W

    second pack of yeast?

    I just started the wine so I know I am not near ready for the sorbate.. I meant because I accidently added 2 packs of yeast do I need extra sobate went I get to that time.. Hope you understand what I am trying to say!!
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    second pack of yeast?

    Got to thinking & have another question? When I am ready to add the sobate, do I add just the normal amount or will I need more?
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    A Gift

    [Good find there Wade. But I am afraid the real treasure may well be in his head. Might I suggest you start spending some more time with him talking and taking notes on recipes, processes, collecting fruit and talking in general. If you do this you may well end up with any notes or recipe books...
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    second pack of yeast?

    TERRIFIC!! After doing two 1 gallon batches of welch's to get the sweetness I wanted, I would have been sick to have to dump 5 gallons..
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    What is the different?

    thanks for the info!!!