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  1. W


    If I am drinking a sweet blackberry wine - is it considered a dessert wine?? Or what is a dessert or table wine?
  2. W

    wine tasting snacks??

    Another question? If I am drinking a sweet blackberry wine - is it considered a dessert wine??
  3. W

    wine tasting snacks??

    Thanks for your thoughts.. I will debate on the cheese's I get. I like the fresh fruit idea [never gave it a thought before] ... But must leave the chocolate out because chocolate & wine doesn't go well with me because I am a chocolate-holic.. lol
  4. W

    wine tasting snacks??

    By Christmas I will have 8 batches of kit wines ready & am planning a "wine tasting" party! I said I would also have snacks???? I am NOT into what wines goes with what food. What I am wondering, besides cheese what good snacks have you used or recommend?? Cheese was all I could think of...
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    primary fermentation

    { I simply place the lid loosely on the pail } when starting my wine kits I close my "wine bucket" tightly by LIGHTY hammering the top down to a tight fit.. That is wrong??
  6. W

    making a sweet wine

    { You can sweeten any wine kit by adding wine conditioner after the sorbate. } After the sorbate? How long after? I mean can I add the sorbate, then add the wine conditioner right away or do I add the wine conditioner a week or ?? later?
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    wine kits & buckets?

    Thanks for the thread.... I think I will save the 5 gallon for when I learn to make wine from stratch...
  8. W

    wine kits & buckets?

    I have wine kits that are for 6 gallon batches. I have a 6 gallon bucket but also got a 5 gallon bucket. Can I make the 6 gallon wine kit in a 5 gallon bucket?? Or will the less water cause a problem?
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    Picture of Multi purpose Bottle Tree

    Looks nice.. I think it is impressive looking!:cool:
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    Synthetic Corks

    { and wouldn't condemn any trees to death } I could be wrong here? But I thought they got the cork from the bark & that the trees regrow the bark back????
  11. W

    sort of stupid question?

    I tried this & it worked.. I wasn't able to get it the whole way out of the bottle [I guess I am not a very strong female lol] But I got it up to the tip where I could use a wine cork opener to get it out.. Thanks!
  12. W

    question on campden tablets?

    OK.. and thanks..
  13. W

    question on campden tablets?

    In any of the kits I have made or most recipes I have read [web] use campden tablets.. But I didn't see any campden tablets in the welch's recipe? Do I add it or not?
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    here now! always looking for help~

    Thank you very much for your info!!!!! I am so glad that you more experience wine makers are here to help us beginners... I bet alot will agree with me.. Sure am glad I found this site!!!!~
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    here now! always looking for help~

    yes.. [well it was Inland Mist brand] I am still confused about this sweetening at the end? Is this something you buy at the wine/beer making place?
  16. W

    here now! always looking for help~

    the wines I have made was mainly fruit kinds.. blackberry, peach/apricot, wildberry ect.
  17. W

    sort of stupid question?

    Never mind SORRY about that.. My message IS there.. Again SORRY!
  18. W

    sort of stupid question?

    OK thanks I seem to be having trouble starting threads. I keep getting a message that it needs checked by a moderator. But I never heard anything else so I must be doing something wrong??
  19. W

    about sweeten wine?

    I saw a thread about "sweeten" the wine. Does this mean adding more sugar or is there something you can buy to sweeten wine?
  20. W

    sweetening wines

    I like sweet wine & have been reading about "sweetening" wine? Is there something you buy to sweeten it or you add more sugar?? I am talking about wine made from scratch not kits. [what I am making wine from now]