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  1. benaway

    who am I kidding?

    Sage advice .
  2. benaway

    who am I kidding?

    i am making wine, but to tell you the truth, i cant tell the difference between a California Chardonnay and boone's farm apple or MD2020 right now my pallet is "well, it aint vinegar, must be ok" I know the answer, going to ask anyway, how do I know the wine i am making is good wine. without...
  3. benaway

    the christmas rifle

    The Christmas rifle Pa and The Rifle Pa never had much compassion for the lazy or those who squandered their means and then never had enough for the necessities. But for those who were genuinely in need, his heart was as big as all outdoors. It was from him that I learned the greatest...
  4. benaway

    Christmas time

    wishing evry one a Very Merry christmas Happy hanukkah , Merry heineken, and a Happy Bah Humbug My Family to yours
  5. benaway

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    ok,,,,wifes rule !!!
  6. benaway

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    HeY, NorCal, I got it, remove the gate from inside the valve, replace with a simple copper contact will require solder skills
  7. benaway

    Nanner pudd'n

    I think i screwed the pooch on this batch, after the ferment has stopped, I might take a mulligan
  8. benaway

    Nanner pudd'n I got the idea from Jack Kelly. simmered the peels with 3 cups of sugar, then blended the peels added them to the ferment mesh sac. with out the water i boiled them in took an sg. it was 1.045 added 3 cup sugar to around 1.090 it is bubbling...
  9. benaway

    No Nursing Home for ME!

    our family does not believe in nursing homes. family takes care of family.. altho this last go around with orneriness with demition mixed it makes me think your idea has a lot of merit
  10. benaway

  11. benaway

  12. benaway

    Nanner pudd'n

    I have the bananas in a mesh bag, i suspect, that may be the reason for the sg reading. If i am not mistaken I am in the process of boiling/simmering the peels down. barbiek suggested added the peels on the second ferment. mr, barbiek what about adding them now?
  13. benaway

    Rate the new star wars movie

    Have not seen the new star wars this is what I remember about the original Star Wars I used to muck out horse stall's, go shovel a load of sand into a truck bed, sand the stall for $20.00 each. Pick up Susan ____ go to pizza hut, medium pepperoni and a pitcher of beer and tickets to the...
  14. benaway

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    I could fine a home for both of those pcs. LOL wonder if you could rework the valve to turn on the light..:> Steampunk Art, I am a fan
  15. benaway

    Nanner pudd'n

    I think your right, I just mixed 10 lb bananna 1 gallon water on your suggestions it was light for 2 gl water you are correct 3 cup sugar 1 campden tap fruit is in a mesh bag, i'll get sg after it sits and dissolves a little bit edited in SG of 1.040
  16. benaway

    Nanner pudd'n

    sounds crazy, huh 2 gallons water 4 pounds sugar 1/2 the peels with the mash in the first ferment red star champagne yeast [pasteur blanc] no raisins, I did think about substitute a gallon of water for apple cider I can provide a sg after i start it,,latter tonight
  17. benaway

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    NICE piece of art.
  18. benaway

    Nanner pudd'n

    I have 10 ibs of bananas, peeled and mashed up. thats 10 pounds after peeling. right now i will add 2 gallon of water and a campden tab let it sit for 24 hours any suggestions ? bring em on ! you KNOW I dont know what I'm doing
  19. benaway

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    is it safe to come out of hiding yet? I would not worry about that site , only thing down there in the basement is cob webs,, that site is dieing a slow painful death
  20. benaway

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    I know you guys have seen it a thousand times. i think it looks cool 4 levels who has a 5 or a 6 ?