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  1. benaway

    Post a photo, any photo

    May you go forth under the strength of heaven, under the light of sun, under the radiance of moon; May you go forth with the splendor of fire, with the speed of lightning, with the swiftness of wind; May you go forth supported by the depth of sea, by the stability of earth, by the firmness of...
  2. benaway

    Acid blend

    i need to get a testing kit. ok. MORE TOOLS !! !!!
  3. benaway

    Acid blend

    would someone be kind enough to "skool" me on acid blend i read to put it in before ferment, and i read to put it in after
  4. benaway

    What R you doing today?

    Anvil, I lucked out, I have been looking for an anvil, or a chunk of RR track for a year. one day, I was driving along, I notice 4 trucks with train wheels parked by the RR tracks and a group of men looked like supervisors in a huddle. I pulled up to them, yelled out the window. HEY...
  5. benaway

    What R you doing today?

    I have seen some turned pens that are really really beautiful you can but the parts, my problem, to many...
  6. benaway

    What R you doing today?

    I think coal is better. switching over out of necessity , my coal connection is drying up. i make my own coke, buy burning wood and adding coal. my coal connection for free coal is drying up. i refuse to pay the ridicules prices at hardware stores. so either go gas or pay out the a-- I...
  7. benaway

    What R you doing today?

    installed the gas burner for my new forge into the barrel. in the process of switching over from charcoal to gas. built two mega burners out of an old natural gas house heating unit. had to make a new propane orafice NOW, I can beat hot iron and maybe make a knife or a door knocker key...
  8. benaway

    What is my ABV?

    I have tried to copy that gfi on your signature, but the damn thing keeps changing so fast it confuses my copy thingy on my computer
  9. benaway

    silly question

    common sense and safety, a twofer
  10. benaway

    silly question

    good info here,
  11. benaway

    silly question

    ok..i see the "S" air lock as doing that. i guess a good benefit would be no evaporation using a media other than water vodka you can drink it. LOL I am a plumber by trade, we use a water seal to protect the building from methane gas. p-trap, same thing,
  12. benaway

    silly question

    why vodka in the air lock? i see no value here, am i incorrect?
  13. benaway

    Man (or Women) caves

    like to come hang out in your room and learn !!!!
  14. benaway

    Post a photo, any photo

  15. benaway

    Post a photo, any photo

    thank you cintipam, i found them,,, i have a few boxs full, my grand mother was a rock hound,since i could walk she would take me with her. I still wonder the creek beds and fresh plowed field. this is my pride and joy of my collection i hold this in my hand, and think about the...
  16. benaway

    Post a photo, any photo

    Thought you might enjoy, :h [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG]
  17. benaway

    Man (or Women) caves

    that is cool,,,NICE ROOM!!!!!! see them metal posts in the room? get a log, strip the bark, let it dry out. split the log, hollow it out. place halves around post. drill holes in log, install dowels to invert wine bottles, for drying wait!!! not done yet!! find an artiest have them...
  18. benaway

    Man (or Women) caves

    yes sir, tig on some stainless. no,i try not to call repairmen. If i cant fix it, i tear it about to find out why.
  19. benaway

    Man (or Women) caves

    I like this room, it looks real, and comfortable. ok, real comfortable
  20. benaway

    Man (or Women) caves

    WELL, I guess my definition of a man cave and others definitions are a wEEEEE bit different.