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  1. benaway

    storing wine

    I have some wine I made, the ferment is done, I have removed it from air lock. for the past 4 days it has been capped with no pressure build up. now i want to sit it in the back of the cabinet. let it age. at this point, is their anything i need to do to it. it has additives...
  2. benaway

    fig wine

    very good possibility. could have been my fault, I have an insta hot on my sink. that delivers 140 degree water, I run it over the hydrometer, to sterilize that could have had something to do with it. good thought Sherlock Holmes !!!
  3. benaway

    fig wine

    starting was 1.040 3rd day is 1.022, tastes ok, 4th day is 1.012 added 2 pounds dissolved in 1 qt water sugar siphoned into 4 - 1 gallon jugs, air locked checked sg after adding sugar and after transfer 1.020 9th day 12/11/15 sg is 1.010 bubbles have slowed
  4. benaway

    mississippi wino

    huh? if you own a stevens, and that company was established in 1864 and savage was established in 1894 then who has the knock off? lol. i think you have the original stevens has been around for a long long time. they could be bought at monkey wards, Three Goats & a Yearling and sears...
  5. benaway

    What's for Dinner?

    Speechless !!
  6. benaway

    Post a photo, any photo

    You just hit a subject.. My sister has been on my A__ to sell this stuff that i piling up around here. Man, I make pen's, whistles, bracelets, keychains, flowers, boats, cars, mini lawn furniture, wheelbarrows and I even made a still !!!!
  7. benaway

    fig wine

    thanks brazedowl, i would like to check your fig juice out some time. I think we are using a different fig. your yellow and pink sounds cool!! mine is a brown color. here is some from my first cleared batch,
  8. benaway

    What's for Dinner?

    DAN, i believe that is a beautiful piece of meat
  9. benaway

    Post a photo, any photo

    ok, Runningwolf, that was then, this is now copper work, this is a baby, baby grand my wife plays piano i made he this for her [/IMG]
  10. benaway

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    YEAH,,,it is aint it? thanks for being honest, you think that one is weird,,how about this one I had a project to do, only clay that was left was half hard. so instead of molding a pot, I chiseled an aztec head, saved the teacher a hassle on the clay, got a B for the project. it is a...
  11. benaway

    Post a photo, any photo

    This is just an old hose I pass by, I thought it looked interesting. random pictures of my back yard [woods] anyone know what kind of mushroom?
  12. benaway

    mississippi wino

    I want an ar 10 in 6.5x55 SWEET!! I have a few ak's
  13. benaway


    Welcome to the world. You got a name yet?
  14. benaway

    Post a photo, any photo

    yes i can, and will :h
  15. benaway

    mississippi wino

    nOOOOOOO. LOL;;hush before some hears you LOL SC is actually a better grade of rifle because it has 4 and 6 groved barrel where the remington only has 2
  16. benaway

    fig wine

    starting was 1.040 3rd day is 1.022, tastes ok, 4th day is 1.012 added 2 pounds dissolved in 1 qt water sugar siphoned into 4 - 1 gallon jugs, air locked
  17. benaway

    fig wine

  18. benaway

    mississippi wino

    WHAT a list!!! I am impressed. here is my embarrassingly short list, racked and aging 6 gallons apple hard cider 3 gallons fig wine fermenting 3 gallons fig
  19. benaway

    mississippi wino

    I saw firearms in your profile, the SC 03a3 is a very sought after collectible I was just trying to open a dialog we both had an interest in. I own one.
  20. benaway

    Rhubarb wine

    Mankato? have you seen..... never mind, I am sure you hear that often. LOL Rubarb, I have not seen that since I was a kid. Grand ma used to make a pie out of it. I LOVE IT!!! good on you for making the wine