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  1. W

    Proof for Mike...LMAO!

    Good old Photoshop!!!!! LOL must have been a great show.
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    Straining Bags

    I used to just keep 2 and wash them and they would last about a year or 2 before If chuck them. For anyone who fishes for striped bass they make great eel bags to tie to your waist also. Do not use them for bait and then ferment wine unless you like eel wine! LOL.. Glad you brought this up as I...
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    Should I buy a Demi-John?

    Personally after seeing the small variable and friends having them and being able to extract samples and just drop the lid down and never have to worry about topping up If save my money and do it right with small variable.
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    RJ Spagnols Winery Series Super Tuscan Wins!

    Yep, my favorite kit hands down! If anyone hasn't made this kit I state my rep on this kit!
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    Cellar Craft The best amarone kit?

    I preferred the RJS EP over the Cellar Craft big time!
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    Picking up 20lbs of Sourwood Honey tomorrow...

    You really need to get that out of carboy and into a bucket with more room and heat it up yo dissolve it!!!!!! Heating it up is the only way yo dissolve sugar or honey. You are going yo waste this good honey if you don't follow these instructions!
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    Just Picked up a $200 Bottle of Barolo for $49.99!!

    Nice deal! Ill be over tomorrow night with steaks!
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    33,000 posts

    Well it doesnt sound that impresive when you put a time on it but I know for sure it took way more then a minute to post a big amount of my earlier posts!
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    Brew belt

    Agree with above statement! Although with kits its not to much different due to the process that the concentrate goes through. With fresh juice or fruit though whites and lighter fruits can benefit dramatically from cooler temps while reds should still stay warm during fermentation.
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    33,000 posts

    After posting I just noticed I finally hit 33,000. Good God I wonder how much time that actually equates to!!!!
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    Thirsty hummingird

    I do think it is colored sugar water, look at the bottom of the glass. It looks like the sugar didnt dissolve great. Either that or that winery needs to invest in a filtration unit! LOL
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    Wades Wine - Black Currant

    Wow, you dragged this out of the past!!!!!! I followed the directions on the can with the exception of acid blend and sugar as both seemed to be way off when I mixed up the first 3 gallons. I made a 6 gallon batch but discovered in a past batch of 1 of their other bases that their numbers were...
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    Exploding Bottles (welcome back from vacaction!)

    Ive had the shrink wraps on top hold the cork back before so yes they are strong enough to hold the cork and therefore the bottle blows. I also left 2 bottles standing straight up in my old car once and both corks blew and hit the headliner, luckily on those 2 no wine came out and sprayed the...
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    are they ready yet?

    I second the refractometer!!! Its really the only way and they are pretty cheap on Amazon.
  15. W

    Vinmetrica SC-300

    So what did you do to get it to work so others can learn if they have the same problem.
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    RJ Spagnols Nice start on Valpolicella Ripassa

    You added all the oak, are going to add 2 spirals and then throw it in a barrel? I hope that barrel is almost neutral. I like a lot of oak but that may be too much Tony.
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    My Riddling Rack is Done!!!

    Very nice! I too love the burnt raised grain effect. Another way to do that is to use very very fine grain and sand the product as typically the softer grain will sand much faster leaving the hard grain raised up.
  18. W

    Hello again!

    Welcome back. You know this is a G rated forum right, so that stuff you left behind needs to be removed fast!!!!! LOL
  19. W

    Perfect fireworks

    So did you light them off inside your primary bucket? LOL