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  1. S

    Private Preserve

    Plus a dark ruby red wine filled to the neck is probably more visible than an inert gas. It's easier to know when your wine topping your wine is still there than knowing if your inert gas topping your wine is still there. Hence my comfort factor, and comfort is good.
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    Glass Carboy¿

    I have a plastic carboy, but I never keep wine longer than a week or two at most inside it before I rack it into a glass one. The concern is that the alcohol will leach chemicals and/or off-flavours from the plastic into your wine over time. Glass doesn't react with anything in wine, so...
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    Private Preserve

    See, if you hadn't degassed, you would have had a layer of inert gases on top of your wine already! :p *kidding* But in all seriousness, I would think the inert gas (even if completely insoluble with wine) would eventually dissipate as time went by - especially if you unseal it to steal a...
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    Hi from Ontario

    Hi there Racer, I've currently got 3 23L carboys containing "something" and will be starting another batch this weekend. The one still fermenting is a Cellar Classic 18L merlot skin kit (yes I still use kits, especially good kits on sale :D ) The other two have completed fermentation and...
  5. S

    water from airlock went into wine. help

    Before moving a plastic carboy, I prevent this by removing the inner cap if using a barrel airlock, or by temporarily removing the airlock or cover itself. It's much worse when the liquid in the airlock is a couple months old with fruit fly bodies floating around. But my rule of thumb is to...
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    Hi from Ontario

    Hello fellow winers... errr... I mean vintners :p I've been making homemade wine for well over 30 years now, if you count me and my brother's attempts at making "apple-mash" in our closets when I was 14 years old. Our mom used to wonder where her bread yeast went... Anyway, I have progressed...