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  1. S

    Stupid Noob Question

    I like Gewurztraminers and Rieslings too, but they might be a hair sweet for our taste to have in larger quantities. I'm not sure about it being all purpose, but I can see where people might be going when they say that about Pinot Grigio. It's a nice middle ground between the sweeter whites...
  2. S

    Hello From Orlando, Florida

    Different place back then, huh? The tourists can be frustrating, but they pretty much keep to certain areas. Besides, I get to go to Polk County (Lakeland) every day for work, and there aren't many tourists there, that's for sure. Sadly, more and more of the orange groves are gone...
  3. S

    Stupid Noob Question

    Thanks for the reassuring words. I think another key is to just take what you are tasting with a grain of salt (not literally) at this point. It's a long way from being done. The more kits I do, the more I think I will become familiar with what to expect at the various stages. Funny you...
  4. S

    Stupid Noob Question

    Well, I suppose if I am gonna ask dumb questions, this is the place to do it. I'm sure this is actually pretty common, but I've just racked my first kit into the carboy, and now knowing what to expect, I'm nervous about its progress. I think my big problem at this point is that every time...
  5. S

    Hello From Orlando, Florida

    Thanks for the pointers! Not long after I posted my questions about beer, I found the Northern Brewer site, and have been browsing that a bit. I like the idea of starting with an extract kid (for now), and it seems that their kits are pretty user friendly. I'm probably gonna give beer a try...
  6. S

    Hello From Orlando, Florida

    Thanks Thanks to all for the warm welcome! Wade, that's interesting that you mention that the extract kits for beer can be relatively easy. That is actually really enticing to me, as it sounds like a good place to get started. I guess extract kits are what the "Mr Beer" system uses, but...
  7. S

    Hello From Orlando, Florida

    Hello, My name's Scott, and as you might guess my the subject of my thread, I live near the house of the mouse (about a mile away actually). I've always wanted to brew beer, but lately have found myself drinking more and more wine. My relatively newfound love for wine, coupled with my...