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  1. C

    not sure if it is worth it

    I have been checking my sugar levels regularly. Note: it is mid-September, just a bit late. On Sept. 14 my Frontenac and Marquette tested around 22-24 B, so I decided to harvest, which is a good thing because something (rabbits?) is eating my grapes. So it is a race between getting sugar high...
  2. C

    Marquette problem

    This is what I use.
  3. C

    need some recomendations please

    I am about to place an order for my wine making supplies and would really appreciate some recommendations. I have been reading the 'how to' forum and this 'newbie' forum, but there is a lot to absorb. I am continuing to read but need to get started. I hope to have Foch, Frontenaec, Marquette...
  4. C

    leaf plucking

    Thank you for the help. I have 72 vines in the official vineyard and 6 table grapes on a separate trellis. Most of my leaves are in the top sections of my trellii (?). The fruit is lower with fewer leaves, but there are some. I could pluck a few leaves in the fruiting section to improve...
  5. C

    electrical deer fence

    The idea of running an auxiliary ground wire a few inches away from the hot is clever, I may have to try that. The effectiveness of an electric deer fence is influenced by your 'deer pressure'. Basically, how many deer you have around. The more deer, the more likely the fence will not be as...
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    Vineyard Line Posts

    I have used standard issue PT 4x4's. I put my first in more than 15 years ago and they are still going strong. I expanded my vineyard and put in some more recently, 2 have failed. One due to an Oak tree in a bad ice storm (not the post's fault), the other simply rotted. Now I paint the part that...
  7. C

    dealing with ticks

    Do others have problems with ticks in their vineyards? If so, how do you deal with them? Here in New England they are pretty bad and generally carry Lyme and many other very nasty diseases. I use Ortho Bug-b-gone Max. According to the label it is effective against ticks and can be used around...
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    leaf plucking

    I grow with a VSP trellis. I didn't know that it was considered the most labor intensive style when I built it. Anyway, I have heard about plucking leaves to increase sun light on fruit shortly before harvest and to promote better air circulation. Does anyone know anything about this? What is...
  9. C

    Marquette problem

    The problem with manganese based fungicide is the 67 day before harvest exclusion. He isn't harvesting this year so it isn't an issue but is something to remember for next year. Many people try to grow a 'natural' vineyard (or garden). The trouble is that nature doesn't grow that way. All you do...
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    marquette vs frontenac

    In my vineyard, Frontenac is significantly more vigorous than Marquette. It also seems to have more fruit. I haven't harvested yet (critters ate all of my fruit last year!) so I can't say anything about the fruit quality. I did do a small amount of cluster thinning on both varieties. Chuck...
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    "southern" New Hampshire

    I am originally from the real south, so I had to put that in quotes. I have been growing grapes for almost 20 years now. So far I have made 1 gallon of wine from my grapes. However, I have made every single possible mistake that one person can make. Now, if anyone tells me that there are more...
  12. C

    How did you find our forum?

    looking for information with google I am trying to kick my vine growing up a bit and googled 'growing degree days'. The best information came from here. I looked around the site and, as many others have mentioned, the members are helpful, friendly and knowledgeable. You can't ask for better...