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  1. whine4wine


    Happy birthday Nikki. Hope it was a good one!!!!
  2. whine4wine

    Always leave the Bears alone with their fish

    OK Thats my problem. I dont have audio at work here. I'll try again at home.
  3. whine4wine

    Always leave the Bears alone with their fish

    What am I missing in this horse race? I've watched it a couple times, and all I see is a horse race.......Is there an eagle in it? Speaking of eagles, I was on vacation this past week at the cabin, and got to see an osprey right in front of the cabin hit the water 3 times trying to get a...
  4. whine4wine

    Stuck with a Moose in the House

    Wow!! How did I miss this moose story? That must have really been something. Its a wonder it would fit through the door. I've camped many times in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, (large wilderness area between Minnisota and Canada...Awesome place) and I have a couple good stories of...
  5. whine4wine

    Always leave the Bears alone with their fish

    The bear one is funny. Just showed it to the guys at work. lmao Good one troy
  6. whine4wine

    Hymn #365

    Talk about some drunk fish........ LOL
  7. whine4wine

    ArcticSid never left

    Troy, Can you explain more about your rose hip wine. I am not familar with this plant. I take it that it is not your typical rose bush? Heres a pic I found.
  8. whine4wine

    Knock the Panties Off Strawberry Label

    Nice picture. I like that old artwork, very cool. Great Label.:br
  9. whine4wine

    ArcticSid never left

    It has been really quiet around here lately.:sl Welcome back Troy. Better put a fresh coat of paint on the outhouse if Leanne is coming.:) or maybe brew a batch of high octane skeeter pee, and she won't notice.:dg
  10. whine4wine

    Old Cider Press

    What a cool looking old press!!!!
  11. whine4wine

    Skeeter pee labels

    Love that label Wade........might have to steel......I mean borrow it.:D Also this one.
  12. whine4wine

    What R you doing today?

    Good eye Matt! Yes it is, its an 05' 202 LPX with a 6.2L and a Bravo 1 drive. Its my baby. Are you a boater?
  13. whine4wine

    What R you doing today?

    Just got back from the cabin where we spend most weekends. This Memorial Day Weekend was uncommonly hot, with temps in the 90's, very unusual for Michigan. Did lots of boating, drinking, a little fishing, drinking, got some of the chores done, and did some drinking. My homemade wines were...
  14. whine4wine

    I've got a job!

    Congrats Allie! Sounds like you found a nice job. Welcome back to working for someone else to make a living. Are you still going to do your artwork? I think that would be way more fun. Lots of luck in the new career.
  15. whine4wine

    Irises are blooming

    Nice yard Larry.
  16. whine4wine

    The 'Guess where Troy is?' thread...

    Make sure you let us know when the happy event takes place, even if we can't be there we will all drink a toast to the two of you.:hug (like we need an excuse):b Many happy years to the both of you.:h
  17. whine4wine

    The perils of aging,, like wine.

    I dont need new glasses.........just longer arms.:d
  18. whine4wine

    Wine regions near Amsterdam, Paris, and western and South East Germany

    We recentely visited Germany, it was very cool. Lots of places to see. Enjoyed Munich very much, The Residenz, the former royal palace of the Bavarian monarchs was awesome, also while in Munich make sure to stop at The Hofbrauhaus, the world famous pub to enjoy a huge draft beer,traditional...
  19. whine4wine

    What is this?

    Could it be yeast? Just a wild guess.