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  1. whine4wine

    Apple Trees and their management

    I had never heard of tanglefoot before. After a little search on the net about it, I will definately be trying it next year. It says to hang the "apples" at the end of blossom time, before all the petals fall.:br This sounds like a great idea. I'll be sure to try it next spring. Thanks...
  2. whine4wine

    Begining SG

    Allie, I know what you mean with that foam stuff on top. I used a sun tea jug with a tap located at the bottom of the jug, that way I can drain off all the cider and leave that foam crap behind. I too was going to try a batch from the pure cider. Do you have a receipe or any tips on a pure...
  3. whine4wine

    Begining SG

    Thanks for the welcome, The purists will have a laugh at this. I have Johnathon apples that I made into cider, with a Juicemaster. If you ever used one, it leaves alot of sludge and pieces behind. I used about 2gals of sludge, a gal of cider, a couple cinnimon sticks,and a few cups of...
  4. whine4wine

    Begining SG

    Well I just upped it to almost 1.090. Thanks Bob
  5. whine4wine

    Begining SG

    Found my own answer, the book says 1.80 is a good I'm close. I love this forum:)
  6. whine4wine

    Begining SG

    After years of procrastination I finally decided to make wine. Apple wine, have started the must, and am about to add yeast. Before I add what should my SG be? I'm at 1.060 right now. Do I need more sugar?