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  1. oldwino

    Blackberry Wine

    I think everyone gets some drop out of color with the #2 filter. Once that color has changed I haven't noticed any more color drop out or sediment. Using the #2 filter I no longer get the sediment in the bottle after a year or so. It really polishes the wine. An added note to my above post...
  2. oldwino

    my wine hasen't started formenting yet!

    Diane, When did you start the wine? Did you follow a recipe? Did you add campden or meta bisulphate? If you measured the SG before adding the yeast what was the SG? Did you measure acid, if so what was the acid level? What kind of fruit or grape was the wine made from? If you added campden how...
  3. oldwino

    Blackberry Wine

    When I transfer from the primary to the secondary and get busy and forget what is supposed to be going on in my wine room and leave it in that first secondary too long SO2 builds from the gross lees. A rotten egg, sulphur odor. That is why I like to rack within 2 to 3 weeks to rack off of those...
  4. oldwino

    help restarting

    This is a very good example of the difference between Premier Cuv'ee and EC1118. Premier Cuv'ee is an S. bayanus strain. EC1118 is an S. cerevisiae bayanus strain. Although there are more flavor enhancements with the EC1118 because of the mixture of strains (actually the S. cerevisiae strain is...
  5. oldwino

    help restarting

    Very well could be, although the spec sheet shows some minor differences. I always like to keep some Premier Cuv'ee on hand for restarts. Premier Cuv'ee is cheaper. Don't know why.
  6. oldwino

    Opaque Wine

    Depends on your patience. Pectic enzyme 1/2 teaspoon per gallon will drop the lees. The lees are already starting to drop. You can see them in the bottom of the carboy. I would wait and just have some patience. If you are losing patience the next time you rack, within 2 or 3 weeks, add some...
  7. oldwino

    help restarting

    If the EC-1118 doesn't do it. Use some Red Star Premier Cuv'ee plus yeast nutrient and yeast energizer. Try to keep the must at 68 to 70 degrees until it starts, then stand back. It is hard to stop Premier Cuv'ee yeast. Very similar to EC-1118 but I have had better luck with it in these types of...
  8. oldwino

    settlings in bottle

    I have drank $120 a bottle organic wine (no chemicals) that had sediment. Pour slowly. You can purchase a "Rabbit, wine shower-funnel" at Bed Bath and Beyond that does an awesome job with that sediment. About 20 bucks. Thats why an old timer like me graduated to a buon jet filter. For years I...
  9. oldwino

    Blackberry Wine

    How long do you age before bottling? I have never had that problem with blackberry. I do filter with a #2 buon filter (I'm really into modern times with the filter). I have another carboy ready to bottle in a couple of months that is on oak right now. However, I don't bottle any wine before at...
  10. oldwino

    Strawberry Wine

    Isn't any answer to that unless you know what the Brix of the strawberries were when they were put into the primary with the water.
  11. oldwino

    sorry, profession wine info please

    I prefer a Washington state Gewurztraminer. Slightly dryer than the CA vintage. Grapefruit and citrus flavors and medium-dry. Chateau Ste Michelle.
  12. oldwino

    What temp ..

    In 1973 I bought an Everedy bench corker for $17 (they are out of business now) and with 35 years of service it is still doing an awesome job. Looks like it is going to outlast me. I have been putting corks in the same way for 35 years. I soak #9 corks in 90 degree meta bisulphate water and put...
  13. oldwino

    Concord Wine Help

    Some manufacturers of juice heavily dose their juice with meta bisulphate. Even if you stir and aerate it vigorously it seems it will not totally ferment out to dryness. If you like sweet wine go for it. If you like dry wine stick with the juices that only use absorbic acid for a preservative...
  14. oldwino

    Some Of My Labels

    Microsoft Publisher program on Microsoft Office does a great job. I just use Avery shipping labels. (6 to a page) Create your own graphics, pix, text, or anything else you want put on a label. Down load pix from the web. Now you can do everything on these computers. 35 years ago I was writing...
  15. oldwino


    Tannin will help preserve the wine longer in storage. You could just age the wine on oak. There is tannin in oak. I add tannin in all wine in the primary. If you do use tannin make a slurry first. Otherwise the tannin will will be a mudball floating around in your wine.
  16. oldwino

    What temp ..

    I bought a 6,000 BTU AC for a 7 by 12 wine room for $150 from Walmart. Our temps get into the 100s and it works great. It is a fermenting room not a storage room and I keep the temp at 68. I found it cheaper to buy a 650 bottle storage cooler for storing wine. Keeps it at 59 degrees.
  17. oldwino

    Bad Eggs/Sulfur Oder Chilian Wine

    I splash rack, wait a week or so and splash rack again. In my experience the odor didn't leave immediately. Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks to a month.
  18. oldwino

    help restarting

    I would put more yeast nutrient and yeast energizer in the wine. Rhubarb is quite high acid unless you lowered it to .60% before you added the yeast. Yeast will always start more slowly in a high acid must. That may also be part of the problem in the restart. If I were lowering the acid in the...
  19. oldwino

    SC reading of 1.060 and

    The web site to the chart is also listed on this forum under how much sugar to add. The Jack Keller hydrometer area. Also a lot of other info there about hydrometers.
  20. oldwino

    SC reading of 1.060 and

    I tried to send you a web site where you could print out the chart you need but apparently this forum blocks that info. If you request the same question on the midwest wine forum I'll be able to furnish that address. A formula you may be interested in: Starting SG minus Ending SG divided...