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  1. StevenD55

    Need advice on selecting varietal to plant

    I’m not a big producer either. Coincidentally, my rows are also about 200’. Yeah I know on Valiant. MN is not the authority on Valiants though being developed at SDSU. Table Mountain is one of the only remaining wineries I know making wine commercially from Valiant. But I figured out how...
  2. StevenD55

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    What was that supposed to read?
  3. StevenD55

    Need advice on selecting varietal to plant

    Are crimson pearl clusters as small as petit pearl? That’s one reason why I’m replacing some of my present Valiant vines with Noiret. Berry weight is 50% larger and fewer seeds per berry.
  4. StevenD55

    REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*

    I just ordered one.
  5. StevenD55

    Need advice on selecting varietal to plant

    FWIW Here in Colorado we are likely drier in the summer. So mildew is rare. But as for cold hardiness, I haven’t had many problems with Cold weather varieties even thru the -10 to -20 stretches. I have Frontenac, Marquette, Valiant, Aurore and Noiret. A few I have are even Zone 6. My...
  6. StevenD55

    Advice on cordon height

    I tried that and stitched it together with cord. It worked ok at the top. But raccoons tore it up underneath. I weigh mine down on the ground with rocks and boards. It doesn’t stop raccoons. But they don’t tear nets up as bad giving access to all of the birds. But whatever works for you.
  7. StevenD55

    Apple wine

    Here is some good info on stopping fermentation.
  8. StevenD55

    Advice on cordon height

    The growth with 4’ tall was a little high for my 12’ wide netting. I think most are about 42” or so.
  9. StevenD55

    Advice on cordon height

    I have both of those varieties as well. And that was the problem I had when 5’ high. Canes grew and hung down. But I had a lot of clusters near the top wire or higher. The netting was really tight when anchored on the ground. Birds could work with beak and claws to get to the clusters and do...
  10. StevenD55

    Advice on cordon height

    Ditto on the comfort. Just be careful that vines don’t become so tall that bird netting has to be so awkwardly sized.
  11. StevenD55

    Why do you make wine at home?

    Because they won’t let me make wine at work!? Honestly though, I like having a vineyard and growing grapes. Making wine from my own grapes is the next step in the challenge.
  12. StevenD55

    What vegetables can wine be made from

    Zinfandel Valiant Frontenac Pinot Grigio Marquette Noiret Blends of the above Aurore Apricot Cherry Apple Pear Mead Dandelion
  13. StevenD55

    What's in your glass tonight?

    Dandelion wine that I made 2 yrs ago. Tasty.
  14. StevenD55

    Looking for a raspberry recipe

    I haven’t tried this. But found it in a 1976 Winemakers Recipe Handbook 3 lb Raspberry 7 pints of water 2.25 lb sugar 1/2 tsp acid blend 1/2 tsp pectic enzyme 1 campden tablet Wine Yeast is all it lists. Probably a little research is needed for yeast. But it seems like a clean yeast would be...
  15. StevenD55

    Pear 2nd Batch

    Thank you. That all makes sense.
  16. StevenD55

    Pear 2nd Batch

    I am looking for advice on running a second batch of pear wine. A little history. I had 60+pounds of pears on the ground mostly that fell from my 2 pear trees after harvesting some for ourselves. I picked them up, sorted, rinsed and cut into chunks and got about 40# of fruit. Then I added a...
  17. StevenD55

    Where do you get your honey?

    If you want to check to be sure the honey you are buying is pure or real, here is a link to some tips.
  18. StevenD55

    Apple wine

    Clearing could have been from cold stabilization. I put carboys in the garage a lot to clear wine a little better when I can.
  19. StevenD55

    Post a photo, any photo

    Never thought of bulk aging wine in carboys as decor. That looks nice.