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  1. StevenD55

    Rabbit predation

    I have used the tree wraps that spiral around the base before. That worked pretty well.
  2. StevenD55

    Wine from Juice that's been pasteurized

    Sort of a weird question. Has anyone has tried making wine from juice that's been "cooked" so to speak?
  3. StevenD55

    Eggshells fining agent for cider

    Mike, Do you do any racking in there or add anything else in any of that 18 month time frame?
  4. StevenD55

    Eggshells fining agent for cider

    Has anyone tried this? I have heard of egg whites. But I have not seen anything using eggshells. Here is an article I found on the subject.
  5. StevenD55

    Pinot Grigio Color

    Ok. Next time 1.01. Thank You Barbiek.
  6. StevenD55

    Pinot Grigio Color

    OK....moving along with the Pinot Grigio. I was able to chill the must to between 60 and 65 degrees. I took a hydrometer reading today and it was standing at 1.02 already. So, I transferred the wine to 2 secondary fermenters. The product is really cloudy. So, my question is this. Should I...
  7. StevenD55

    Pinot Grigio Color

    Again thanks.
  8. StevenD55

    Pinot Grigio Color

    Very nice!
  9. StevenD55

    Pinot Grigio Color

    Thanks. Montrachet is supposed to be good for white wines per the literature FWIW. But definitely a good point in knowing the yeast. This was a spur of the moment project and that was the yeast I had on hand. Perhaps next time I will be better prepared. As to the SG, it's just...
  10. StevenD55

    Pinot Grigio Color

    Holy smokes. Heat was shut off and the temperature in the fermenter was still riding to over 80. Trying to chill it now. Another question though. I am using a yeast that lists its low temp at 59. It's Montrachet. Will that be a problem at temps well below 60?
  11. StevenD55

    Pinot Grigio Color

    Good to know. I will see if I can chill it further. Thanks again.
  12. StevenD55

    Pinot Grigio Color

    Cool. Thanks. It's soaking pretty well right now that I added some heating mats around the fermenter to get it up to about 70°F. Steve in Colorado
  13. StevenD55

    Pinot Grigio Color

    Hello, First time poster, but I've been making wine for awhile now. However, this is my first attempt at making white wine. My neighbor said I could pick some grapes he still had on the vines. The grapes are a Pinot Grigio that have frozen down to 19°F a few times. I picked quite a...