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    Other 8 liter kit Momments Sorriso Zinfandel

    Hello wine friends, This was my first kit I made 40 days ago. its currently in a carboy bulk aging. I tasted it two weeks ago and it was acidic and thin. I tried it two days ago and the acidity went down notably but it still seems too thin. I really don't want to waste the time bottling it...
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    Cellar Craft 18 Liter Cellar Craft Internationa Amarone 6 week

    Thanks Wade, I just did an SG and after 2 days of fermentation its at 1.10. Something tells me when I first measured it, the musk hadnt mixed through the juice. If its 1.10 now, it must have been higher a day ago. I'll leave well enough alone. This is my 2nd kit, and I am so much more calmer...
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    Cellar Craft 18 Liter Cellar Craft Internationa Amarone 6 week

    It doesnt give a starting SG, whcih I thought was odd. It was a bit hard to read becasue there was a lot of foam. But it looked like 1.09, I am not sure if it would of gone higher with the grape pack in there. the skins were about 12lbs. I had to submerse the skins in a large sock bag that...
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    Cellar Craft 18 Liter Cellar Craft Internationa Amarone 6 week

    I bought this kit because It got great reviews. I started it tonight. It measured 1.90 SG, 23 Brix and 12% alcohol. I thought that was a bit too low for Amerone. It came with the 12lbs musk, but I am not sure if the SG would go up once all the musk is in the juice. I have heard of people...