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  1. T

    Topping up on the carboy

    I racked my marion berry and my pineapple today and was wondering if the carboys are full enough? They are up above the shoulder but probably still 6 inches from the bung.
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    Cranberry wine problem

    That makes me fill better. I was wondering what kinda something that went wrong.
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    Cranberry wine problem

    I have one gallon of cranberry wine started. I have it in secondary ferment and the sediment looks like its growing up the sides. It looks like a streak growing about half way up the carboy. It kind of looks like a heart monitor graph. Has anyone ever experienced this problem before?
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    Have you ever made

    would adding oak chips to it help give it an oaked aged flavor
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    Have you ever made

    YES its only a gallon. I wasn't sure how it would turn out. I thought we could try that and if that works than will try a bigger batch
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    Have you ever made

    Has anybody tried making Elderberry Wine from a package of dried Elderberries. I was putting some together and needed some input on what I can do to make it work out. I really like this kind of wine and my supplier had a package so I figured what the heck. What do you think about this:5oz. of...
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    Carboy addict

    You need to fix that empty carboy thing. That will cause you to loose sleep and in some cases even depression.
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    Carboy addict

    I have 4 one gallon,5 six gallon and a wife who thinks iy is really cool. By the way yes this Christmas. We have 30 acres that are planted in either beans or corn every year.I think it would be good to plant grapes to help support my addiction. We had someone from Purdue out Thursday doing...
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    Carboy addict

    I started making wine when my kids gave me a wine kit for Christmas. I have 7 carboys going right now. Does anyone know of a meeting I can go to for my problem. I have even been pricing types of grapes to plant for a vineyard.
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    banana wine

    I was wondering when I taste my banana wine for the first time. What should I expect when it hits me? If it is dry what takes that away? What can I use to give it more banana flavor if I want that result. What method do I use to make it sweeter if its not sweet enough for me? I have...
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    Thursty now!

    now thats a good plan
  12. T

    That smell

    Is it just me or does the smell of a fermentation of a friut wine really just smell great. I have a pineapple in its primary that just smells great. I find my self hovering over the top smelling it like fresh baked cookies.
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    lock indicator

    That makes since than,we just had a major front come in and change of temp about 20 degrees
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    lock indicator

    I was watching the lock on some banana wine that I started making a while back. At first it bubbled than later after the bubbles slow down to once a day or twice than it sat at what I called neutral all day long for days now today I was noticing it locks like its pulling the other way whats that...
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    Vintners reserve white zinfandel

    The Foil Pack Was Added To The Peach Apricot Chardonnay. It Was An Island Mist By Winexpert. That Was All Yhey Added To It. Are You Familliar With This Type Kit. I Was Hoping We Could Save It. To Make It More Clear Juice From Kit,water,foil Pack From Kit (i Think The F - Pack) . The Packs That...
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    Vintners reserve white zinfandel

    Well I might not have added sugar to the wine kit but while I was on the phone with my union steward. When I got off the phone the crime had already been committed. I was hoping to hear it was no big deal. They had just put another kit together and added the flavor kit together with it and it...
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    Vintners reserve white zinfandel

    OK I stirred it up ,and than I stirred some more. It says on the kit that it should have an SG of 07 and it does. Can I add to that and bring it to 09 to make it a little stronger. I want a little more than that 07 but I don't want to hurt the flavor of the wine. I have the first wine kit ever...
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    Vintners reserve white zinfandel

    Will it hurt to add a little sugar to bring the SG up a little bit to make it a little stronger
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    Vintners reserve white zinfandel

    I just put one of these kits together and tested the SG and it was really low. Some where around 1.04. I had to add two pounds of sugar. Now the SG is 1.08 which is just above what they where calling for when the kit was together. Has anyone tryed this kit? I was wondering if that was normal...
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    Back sweeten wine

    Thank you for the help. I wasn't sure and I have some banana wine just about finished.