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  1. T

    Back sweeten wine

    Some one fill me in on this. I need to know the way to back sweeten wine.
  2. T

    Welch's wine?

    Question If your sure that the fermentation is done you don't need to add patassium sorbate. Here is the Question. If you sweeten the wine to taste will it start to ferment again?
  3. T

    59 Gallon Barrel

    I'm not sure I guess I need to figure that one out. I hope they know where I got it.
  4. T

    how do you use a racking cane?

    As to how I rack. Once you have you syphon hooked up. Get above your carboy making sure you have a line lock hooked up to your hose. Start to draw wine into hose. When you get the wine about four inches from the end if you dont want to try it . Engage the lock or just put your thumb over the end...
  5. T

    how do you use a racking cane?

    For what its worth I have a wine making book that shows the cane going down inside the carboy with the bent end first. It is supose to be designed to where you can lean your bottle sideways and the bent part on the cane will get closer to the side of the bottle. It only works on the larger...
  6. T

    59 Gallon Barrel

    The barrel came out of nappa valley were it was used for white wine (They have a good supply of them if you need one). A lot of people around here in southern Indiana have used big oak barrels but they get them from the Jack Daniels or Jim Beam plants that are in Kentucky. When you drink there...
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    59 Gallon Barrel

    We where trying to think of which juice. We dont want to make it to hard. I dont even know what that might be. My first attempt is still not done yet. It is getting there though. My wife thinks I am crazy or lost my mine. I have always wanted to make some homemade wine and a week before...
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    59 Gallon Barrel

    Well its time to try this 59 gallon wine barrel out. I need some help . I think it will be fun. Come on lets do it together. What would life be without a challenge. Are you with me. Lets do it. The first thing we need to do is what. Told you it was going to be a challenge. The primary can I use...
  9. T

    First attempt

    Here's to you hope its great .
  10. T

    Is it ready to try

    IT was a recipe in a book called The winemaker's recipe handbook. 3lbs fresh bananas,1.5 raisins 7pts water 2.25 sugar 3 tsp acid blend .25 tannin 1tsp nutrient 1 pack wine yeast. Starting SG of 1.095 when I put the yeast to it. I cant believe it either. It looks like its almost half way clear...
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    Is it ready to try

    I started some banana a the 23rd of Dec. It went through the primary stage. I racked it from primary to carboy 4 days later. I racked it off lees about 4 days ago. Now its really clear half way down the carboy and doesnt show any sign of fermenting the lock is neutral.
  12. T

    How strong will the wine taste

    Ok sounds like something to try. I will let you know how it comes out. Again thanks for the info.
  13. T

    How strong will the wine taste

    Should I wait until its almost done or add now. The juice is around a $1.50 a can so that is somewhat managable. It is still going good right now.
  14. T

    How strong will the wine taste

    Temp is 75, and the yeast although I am not sure what kind. Was what the local wine supply shop told me to use.
  15. T

    How strong will the wine taste

    I was doing the SG check when I read it on the wrong side. I added sugar to the welches concentrate making some concord grape wine. Then I looked again. The SG was over the amount called for by about(well lets just say it read 1.120. I waited 24 hour for the camden to do its thing. Then put the...
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    New at it

    banana wine thanks for the infomation
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    New at it

    banana wine Its just a country wine for a gallon.
  18. T

    wine barrel

    I purchased a 59 gallon wine barrel on ebay. The seller says they have been cleaned and had all the prevenatives added so they are ready for use. The barrel was used for a white wine in nappa valley and is a 2002 american oak. Has anyone tryed this ,and if so what steps should I take to make...
  19. T

    wine barrel

    banana wine what wine would be good to back fill with?
  20. T

    Back fill

    When you rack win the second time off the lees. I have a pretty good gap off from the lock. what should I fill that void with to bring the level back up?