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  1. W

    any one make beer

    Is it the Death Valley Dopplebock?
  2. W

    WineXpert Happy customer tonight & getting a LE Pacific Quartet

    Gee, I wonder what the name of that (other) place is!!!!!!! LOL No names here, sorry!!
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    WineXpert Happy customer tonight & getting a LE Pacific Quartet

    Good to hear of other places out there still caring!
  4. W

    Here it comes again!

    Yeah, I was up on our 2 flatter roofs yesterday getting rid of the snow. So sick of this crap!!!! 3-6 for us coming here also and then warmer temps and lots of rain to weigh that snow down good.
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    Texting vs. calling

    Now thats F'in beautiful!!!!!!
  6. W

    Thank you

    Thank the mods, I started it but they do all the work!
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    Thank you

    This is the stuff I love to hear. I took over this forum years ago to turn this into just that, a forum specifically catering to users who will come on and ask a question that maybe has been asked before and not get bashed for doing so. Yes we have a search engine just like every other forum out...
  8. W

    IOS app can't post to kit winemaking sub forum

    Yeah Im pretty sure you are right in that it wants you to choose which kit manufacturer specifically.
  9. W

    Here it comes again!

    OMG my F'in poor eyes!!!!!! :s
  10. W

    How many carboys can you degas with a medical pump

    Ive had a few wines not degas in almost 1 1/2 years. Most due and I dont remember if those few were meads or not. The pump used in that first video looked like a medical pump and if you look at the prices they sell for at medical supply stores you see why he said it was expensive! You can get...
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    I gots me a premium membership

    Thanks all. Im pretty sure you dont have to have a PayPal account, just sign in as a guest and you should be able to use your credit card.
  12. W

    Here it comes again!

    Do you plan on having a new avatar for each day? LOL
  13. W

    Here it comes again!

    Looks like 1-4 for us here. I havent looked any further in the week but I think I heard just rain. My yard looks the same as yours Tom, if it gets much higher Im not sure my snow blower will be useful without aiming it all the way up and spraying the crap out of the house!
  14. W

    Here it comes again!

    I just got done doing the driveway and the walkways again and Im shot. I hope to God it doesnt start back up again like they say it is going to. Ive got nothing left! First round was about 8" and this time was about 2" but was packed hard as we had freezing rain for about 2 hours and you really...
  15. W

    Thawing sulphited must

    Thats interesting the Theme! Winexpert, the wine kit manufacturer mis-uses that term then. In their Port kits they call chaptilizing the act of adding sugar to the wine after fermentation has been going for awhile. They have you do this mainly because the kit is really pushing the yeasts abv...
  16. W

    Storm Delay

    Just finished snow blowing about 8" here and for my neighbor who has a prosthetic leg and his driveway is about a 45* angle!!! He sometimes shovels it himself but if Im home and can beat him to it I do it for him. The town has no sympathy at all and it seems he gets the brunt of the plowed snow...
  17. W

    Here it comes again!

    We are supposed to get 12"-14" here. Im sooooooooo tired of this crap this winter!! White flag has been waving for 3 storms. Stupid ground hog, next year when that creature is about to come out the only shadow he is going to see is one of a. 228 round heading towards him at the speed of an AR15!!!!!
  18. W

    Thawing sulphited must

    To my knowledge you are correct Jules. Maybe there is another use for this term but Im pretty he just used the wrong term here.
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    BrewTrax /AquaCom Solutions Out of Business?!

    So the program doesnt work at all anymore?. I knew they shutdown but thought the software would still work just without updates.
  20. W

    Thawing sulphited must

    Since you sulfited it and then froze your must should be ready to add yeast as soon as its thawed unless you added more sulfites then recommended. I myself like to also use ascorbic acid with very delicate musts like pear and apple as they can change color very easily due to even small amounts...