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  1. KevinL

    Japanese beetle control

    That's nightmare fuel stuff right there. I just saw my first beetle of the season yesterday (Northern Illinois, Chicago Suburbs), and have the Sevin ready to go for tomorrow. I'm not planning on heading out of town for the Majority of beetle season so I'll be able to stay on top of them. I did...
  2. KevinL

    Cluster Thinning (Frontenac)

    As promised, here is a photo of one of my four cluster shoots. Even with that many on there, the vine is having no trouble pushing out plenty of vegetation. We'll see how the numbers develop as they ripen.
  3. KevinL

    Need some advice with 2nd year CT vineyard...

    After I wrote that and did some dishes I ran out and took a few photos. This one is of my 4th year hardware store Niagara that has endured being transplanted. It only just reached the top wire last season, so it is in the same stage as your 2nd year vines. All of the shoots you see here...
  4. KevinL

    Need some advice with 2nd year CT vineyard...

    So I'm a newbie to a lot of this myself, but I'll give this a shot since I've got just about all of my vines on a TWC. What year are your vines in? I think from your post it sounds like you're in second or third year where you have last years one year growth that reached the top wire and you're...
  5. KevinL

    Insect causing shoot tips to break

    I've been meaning to post about this for a while. I've had the same issue. I suppose that is why it stopped after I hit the vines with Sevin for the Flea beetles I spotted. There was no lasting damage to any of the vines that were cut.
  6. KevinL

    How many gallons of Lon D's Skeeter Pee have been made?

    15 more SP and a mixed berry batch of DB 5 gallons. 3548+20 = 3568
  7. KevinL

    So much rain

    That wasn't something I thought they did. Cool. I presume these will be removed?
  8. KevinL

    Cluster Thinning (Frontenac)

    I didn't get my yeast beforehand. I panic harvested so I think I ended up using Pasteur Red or something. Whatever I had around at the time. I should have written it down, but at the time I figured I intended on researching a high TA friendly yeast to use on my harvest. I'll happily take...
  9. KevinL

    Cluster Thinning (Frontenac)

    I have my Frontenac on a TWC. Weed control is weed whacking only with a little weeding at the trunks so I can pinch off suckers if they pop up. When the shoots reach the ground, they have a tendency to get hit with the lawn mower, and weed whacker, but other than that I don't pay too much...
  10. KevinL

    Cluster Thinning (Frontenac)

    I know that Frontenacs are vigorous, but I wasn't expecting them to push out shoots with 4 clusters on them. I've read mixed things about cluster thinning, some saying that it has limited effect on fruit quality and vine health, and others saying that fruit quality and vine health are at risk...
  11. KevinL

    help identify grape condition

    Leaf roll disease?
  12. KevinL

    0% survival Vidal Blanc?

    I'm in Northern Illinois, and I planted a few Vidal. We had a pretty dry late summer, and all of my Vidal seems to have survived that plus the extended winter we had. Bud break has been late though. The last few are showing signs now.
  13. KevinL

    What’s your 5 yr winemaking plan??

    I'm scaling up. Planting another 75 vines in spring. I should be pulling in a modest harvest this year. I've been making a few kits a year for the first 10 years of my wine making, and since I moved to my new place with enough space to plant I figured I'd go all in. Throughout that time I've...
  14. KevinL

    How Would You Trim It

    You have defeated the tentacle monster. May the minstrels sing songs of your bravery for years to come.
  15. KevinL

    Come on spring!!! What's it like at your vineyard?

    Just got done doing the last bit of pruning today. I've got some sap run and the buds look a touch bigger, but maybe it's just wishful thinking. Still pretty cold, but it is giving me time to slack off..
  16. KevinL

    How many gallons of Lon D's Skeeter Pee have been made?

    Getting some in the bottles for the warmer weather. 3312 + 5 = 3317
  17. KevinL

    2nd year Pruning Hybrids

    I pruned all of my newly planted Pearl and Itasca back to 3 buds. I've got the posts in for them and I anticipate they'll be getting to the wire for TWC this year. I'm in Northern Illinois as well. I've got all but 20 of my 150 ready to go for this season.
  18. KevinL

    How many gallons of Lon D's Skeeter Pee have been made?

    I had some idle equipment. Might as well get some in storage for when the warm weather hits in summer. 3275 + 5 = 3280
  19. KevinL

    Videos on pruning and beyond

    Tom Zabadal gives the old slide projector presentation. Yeah this series is packed with information. Turning it up to 1.5 speed or 2x speed is recommended. I've made it through most of the videos. I can't think of a more comprehensive series, although to quote my wife "He sounds like the most...
  20. KevinL

    Black rot solutions

    I've got a battery powered backpack sprayer all ready for next year. When I get a chance to sit down with a calendar and the spray guide, I'll get my spray program written out and see what I need to order. I intend to keep the black rot completely under control. After the birds and the...