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  1. KevinL

    Pretty good deal on bottles

    Just got the email myself. Really great price on the bottles at their wholesale lot with the buy one get one. I've already ordered for the year, but I'll keep this in mind for next year. Shipping is a killer though. 100 cases - $500. Shipping - $644.00 I'm sure if I called I could figure out...
  2. KevinL

    Help me clean up this overgrown mess!

    A way of determining if something is alive or not when it is dormant is to take your pruners, a knife, or your fingernails and scrape back a bit of bark on the 1 year canes. If there is green underneath then you've got a piece of live plant. So you do want all of the dead stuff gone, but I...
  3. KevinL

    Help me clean up this overgrown mess!

    Lovely looking grapes! Crazy looking vines. I can't say I really know where to start. I'll just throw out some stuff... I presume you want the pergola to provide some form of shade or shelter, otherwise you would have taken the whole thing down, meaning there is going to be a dual purpose here...
  4. KevinL

    Late Spring Freezes

    I'd say we're well out of the woods. Turns out some of my Petite Pearl primary buds were still buttoned up so they're looking good. That with the Itasca I saved should leave me a bigger crop than I had last year, assuming I can keep everything fungus free. Thanks for the help everyone. I...
  5. KevinL

    Late Spring Freezes

    Well, I botched it. I was planning on firing up the sprinklers 2 hours before the frost, which was scheduled for 1-2 AM. So I took a quick nap and woke up at 11 to find that the cold had come early, and frozen the sprinklers. It dropped 7 degrees between 10:30 and 11 according to the weather...
  6. KevinL

    Late Spring Freezes

    I also plan on using my 4 Gallon backpack sprayer. Probably some Mancozeb residue in there, but that's fine by me. Forecast has changed, instead of 3 hours of Sub 32, I'm now looking at 5-6 hours, starting at 1 AM.
  7. KevinL

    How many gallons of Lon D's Skeeter Pee have been made?

    4273 + 120 = 4393
  8. KevinL

    Late Spring Freezes

    Current forecast has me looking at only 3 hours of sub 32 degree weather. The current plan is to have my wife and I patrol the vineyard with a hose and sprayer each and keep things wet for the duration of the freeze. A neighbor is being kind enough to loan us another hose. Sounds like it should...
  9. KevinL

    Late Spring Freezes

    Hello Everyone! I've had quite the mild 2020 winter her in Northern Illinois. It was great to have so little winterkill to clear out this year compared to last years brutal temperatures. Unfortunately, in keeping with last yer I'm staring down a night of 29 Degree weather coming up this Friday...
  10. KevinL

    When should I start seeing new growth?

    In Illinois and Just had bud break a few days ago. I imagine you just need to wait a bit longer.
  11. KevinL

    Joining the group Take II ...

    I don't think you're too high for a VSP system. I'd have to let someone who is more familiar with your varieties let you know what the best training system is for them. Standard VSP here, you'd need some wires higher up your fence and then you'd have to manage your shoots as they grow to...
  12. KevinL

    Joining the group Take II ...

    Looks like a nice set up there. It'd be good to know the grape variety and also good to know the "citrus food" that your using. Pest management is going to depend on the plant and where you're at. I know things can get humid in Texas even if it doesn't rain. Determining how to prune is going to...
  13. KevinL

    Beginning Equipment

    I got all the licenses. Federal, State and Local. Now it's just maintenance, so renewing licensing and keeping my TTB and ILCC paperwork up to date is my red tape burden. I suppose I had more time than sense (Depending on who you ask, I have little to spare of either). If I had taken the time...
  14. KevinL

    Our first Wine show....

    Congratulations! This is an amazing story to follow. It's a shame that the neighbor of the property insists on being such a pain. Why doesn't he just buy it himself? Good luck in your search. Although I hate to award a NIMBY a win, what is better for the business is more important than winning...
  15. KevinL

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    I was in from 2003-2006. Things changed quite a bit. MREs were... Well, The first one tastes fine. But by the time you're on your 12th even the slop beef tips from the mess hall T-rat don't seem so bad anymore.
  16. KevinL

    Newbie In Illinois

    Welcome Glenn! I'm in DuPage County.
  17. KevinL

    First harvest

    Seems like you brought the Itasca in at the right time, but the others needed a little more time on the vine. Itasca harvests earlier than others based on my experience thus far (Very limited). For the others it looks like another couple weeks or so would have been good. My Acid has been a...