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  1. S

    Tried starter for the first time - some questions

    Okay thanks guys. I will pitch it now! I will double check the must temp. Should I stir after I pitch? The above instructions state to just pitch it and leave it alone for the first 24 hours.
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    Tried starter for the first time - some questions

    Hey folks, I followed a WMT member's recipe for a starter: In a sanitized wine bottle add 1 cup water at 90-95 F 1 packet yeast (I used 3 teaspoons of Renaissance AvantI) 1/2 tsp nutrient (I used a bit more) 1 tsp sugar (probably 1.5) Swirl to mix, loosely cover (I use foil), and leave...
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    Short Primary Fermentation Italian American Tradition?

    Yeah, they do that in Naples... and surrounding..
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    2nd fermentation temps

    stirred the bottom this evening,.. temp at 71 I'm going to leave it alone for 5 to 7 days.. see how it settles and take another reading.. maybe by weekend thanks
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    Short Primary Fermentation Italian American Tradition?

    Napoli is in Campania. I was in the caserta area this summer. I wonder what town he was referring to...?
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    Short Primary Fermentation Italian American Tradition?

    I grew up with both sides Italian - my mother born in Napoli and dad in Reggio Calabria. He made wine similar to the method that the OP stated. Only a few days. Up here in Toronto, with a massive Italian immigrant community, they used to sell fresh Cali grapes at many of the local grocery...
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    2nd fermentation temps

    I waited until all visible signs of fermentation were absent. The Sg was around .998/.997 - hard to tell sometimes. But definitely below 1.000. I think I am going to have a very strong wine! I started at 1.110
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    2nd fermentation temps

    it is difficult to stir once it is in the carboy given the narrow neck. Thanks for the input. Very informative
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    2nd fermentation temps

    I didn't inoculate it. It's a kit. Do people do MLF with kits, typically? I think I will bring it up to 70 to be on the safe side for the rest of the week to make sure the yeast is completely exhausted. Also, was hoping to get as dry of a wine as possible. So, I suppose closer to .994 or...
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    2nd fermentation temps

    I am referring to a secondary fermentation and not an MLF. The temperature during primary fermentation was 70. It's now sitting at 63. I guess 7 degrees is pretty big drop? Should I bring it back to 70? Thanks!
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    2nd fermentation temps

    Hey folks, I placed my carboy in a room for secondary fermentation that is only 64ish... should I have placed it in na warme room? It's a red kit. It's been in there now for about 4 or 5 days. Last SG reading was .997 Is it too late to increase the temps? thanks
  12. S

    Can you add too much yeast to the must?

    Thank you! I just read in Techniques In Winemaking (Daniel Pambianchi) that you can use grape juice, must etc too instead of water. Make sense as they are loaded with sugar.
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    Can you add too much yeast to the must?

    @ Winemaker 81: Can you use a wider-mouthed glass container? Mason jar, for eg? Reason I state this is because wine bottles have such tiny, narrow openings. As you pour those items you list (yeast, sugar, etc), they may tend to get stuck on the sides of the bottle neck. Sound like an easy...
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    To de-gas or not to de-gas...

    I never use sorbate. Should I?
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    To de-gas or not to de-gas...

    Are y'all doing this at the end of 2nd Ferm?
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    To de-gas or not to de-gas...

    Didn't even think of using one when adding glycerin. Great idea.... always wonders the best method of mixing it well with a wine. So it isn't just for degassing.. Thanks
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    To de-gas or not to de-gas...

    Thanks. How often do you ad K-meta ?
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    To de-gas or not to de-gas...

    So if I skip a deliberate de-gas and just let it happen on its own (via bulk aging) and I not achieving the same thing? By doing so, I can avoid the step altogether. I was going to buy one of those agitator attachments for a drill to assist with this but now I'm thinking of all together avoid...
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    RJ Spagnols Zante currants with dried grape skins?

    Here is the most recent SG. Looks like it's close! 1.000ish?
  20. S

    Has anyone used the Allgrape product?

    This comes in a 4kg size. Supposed to be used for a 23L pail of must or kit. It's a grape product that is vacuumed packed. Supposed to add body/structure/tannin to wines made with juice or kits. Was wondering if there's any experience out there with it. Thanks