how much of a difference does this contraption make? Please let me know the advantages over more conventional siphoning.. This would cost me well over $300 (Canadian dollars) with shipping assuming they ship here.
This sounds simple enough.. Got to admit, winemaker81's method went over my head!
So once you stirred in the glycerin and you know it's dissolved completely, do you then bottle immediately after this?
Good idea. I ordered some from Amazon. I'm going to trial some with a gallon first. Does the glycerine take immediate effect ? Or am I letting it sit fir a while ?
Thanks... the only thing with that is that it is a massive amount... I only make about 25 t0 30 gallons per year. Does it stay shelf stable for a long time?
As far as glycerin goes, I'd like to add some but don't know what brand to use. On Amazon there's lots of economically priced vegetable-based glycerin. As these suitable for wines?
I racked it a couple of hours ago.. air locked it and going to let it sit for a week to settle. Then I'll rack again and so2 and oak for a few weeks before racking it again.
Interesting... I've heard of some adding this. I think I'll give it a try. I'll try the bench test you suggest. So when you say "at bottling time.." do you mean you add the glycerin to the carboy, stir it it and let it sit for some more time? Like a week or two for it to absorb fully into the...
So no so2 until I rack 2nd time? When I'd do this with fresh grapes I racked within 48 hours. With fresh grapes a lot more gross lees, I guess.
Some activity is still occurring. I want to wait at least til tomorrow. Maybe Monday. I'll check sg again - probably tomorrow.
I'll rack tomorrow...
So the musts have pretty much slowed right down.. I tasted and did a quick SG reading... i was a bit rushed with it and some foam around the reading made it a bit difficult to get a precise reading but it's pretty darn close to 1.000 or a bit less... maybe .999/8? The taste was a bit on the...