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  1. KevinL

    vacu vin bottle stoppers/pump

    I just clip the bottom off of the vacu-vin and then drop it into the top of a universal carboy bung. It fits rather nicely, and once I start pumping a vacuum is created. To break the seal I just place the hand pump on top of the rubber thingy and rock it back and forth. Problem is it takes quite...
  2. KevinL

    Cluster Thinning (Frontenac)

    I too am in the Western Suburbs. I'd love to come by and check out your operation if you're open to the idea. I've been trying to find someone close to review information with. Shoot me a PM.
  3. KevinL

    Recommended Hybrid Trellis System

    I remember finding some information comparing results from different trellising systems for hybrids: If you're thinking of...
  4. KevinL

    Fanleaf virus or herbicide damage

    I've got some random vines that are coming up with the exact same symptoms as yours. Curling yellowing leaves along with fan leaf looking ones for newer growth. My nearest farm field is a mile away, and there are plenty of trees to act as wind breaks between here and there. I know my Neighbor...
  5. KevinL

    Recommended Hybrid Trellis System

    As always. I can't say for sure for your area. You'd probably have to talk to your local growers. I'm in Illinois and we get hot and humid summers. I've got everything on a Top wire Cordon with two cordons. I can't imagine the doing the extra work to put all of my fairly vigorous Hybrids on a...
  6. KevinL

    Going Commercial

    If I had the spare cash to have someone else do my dry walling it is. As it stands I've put in the sinks for my Winery (Ran the plumbing) and have been building it out with good old fashioned sweat equity. I've got my ILCC (State) Inspection next week. Great to hear things went well with the...
  7. KevinL

    Going Commercial

    Congrats! I'm on a similar journey myself right now. I actually have my hearing with the city next month. All the red tape is maddening but manageable. I figure at the very least I'll get one of my hobbies to pay for itself.
  8. KevinL

    Anyone familiar with variable bud break

    My Frontenac vines did that last year. As that was my first year taking a little fruit from them I let it sit. None of the bonus clusters ripened fully. Too much acid and not enough sugar. I ended up throwing them away. There was no harm done to the vines that did this. I think for my future...
  9. KevinL

    What grapes are you growing??

    Reds: Frontenac & Petite Pearl. Whites: Vidal Blanc and Itasca. Frontenac Gris. I'm trying my hand with Riesling, but winter is unkind to them. The Vidal struggles up here as well. The majority of my plantings are the Itasca and Petite Pearl.
  10. KevinL

    My Concord grapes are dying before they turn purple!

    My opinion for 1 and 3 Black Rot and Anthracnose. respectively. I had a big problem with both last year until I started a spray rotation this year.
  11. KevinL

    Cluster Thinning (Frontenac)

    Hi Karl, thanks for the input and welcome to the forum. Where in Northern Illinois are you? I haven't had any issues with the Frontenac in the winter thus far, but we'll see as things progress.
  12. KevinL

    Cluster Thinning (Frontenac)

    Unless you think that the change is something other than veraison I'd get the nets up. On the upside the battle against black rot will be over early for you. From the calls I've made and the people I've talked to about it it seems like wineries are moving away from Frontenac other than for...
  13. KevinL

    Cluster Thinning (Frontenac)

    I used chips. I am quite partial to oak, and a lot of the friends I share my wine with are oak fans as well. I have one friend whom I would describe as happy to take a bite out of an oak branch. I added one ounce of american chips and left the wine on them for 3 months. Ended up being very...
  14. KevinL

    New wine maker/winery-in-progress

    Good luck with the commercial operation. I'm on the journey myself in your western neighbor state. I just turned my license/zoning application into the city yesterday. It certainly helps that a few of the people on the zoning commission have sampled my wine. I've got the state ready to mail out...
  15. KevinL

    WineXpert Opinion on Eclipse Stag's Leap Merlot

    I think I did that one a few years ago. I have to say I have yet to find an Eclipse kit that I didn't enjoy the results of.
  16. KevinL

    Should I prune off bug damage?

    If I had to guess I'd say the white stuff is for killing the beetles. Unless that's not what you were referring to in the pictures.
  17. KevinL

    Cluster Thinning (Frontenac)

    That is interesting From what I've read and talked to other growers about, I was under the impression that you couldn't kill Frontenac even if you tried (One guy told me he was trying to kill his and hosed it down with round up only for it to take off like nothing had happened.) I've gone and...
  18. KevinL

    2018 in the vineyard

    Summer time! My 3 year Frontenacs have taken over their trellis. The Vidal Blanc had it's buds break late so it has some catching up to do. This year's plantings are coming along fine, and last years are looking healthy as well. I obtained this aerial shot with my new fancy spy drone... or by...
  19. KevinL

    TTB question - lease to ourselves?

    I appreciate the warning. I'm aware that we'll have to reapply once we restructure the business. We hope to expand to a slightly larger space than where we're currently licensed (a 100 square foot room) and as we'll need to reapply then, I figured that is when we'll make the switch to LLC. I'm...
  20. KevinL

    TTB question - lease to ourselves?

    In Illinois, where I'm at, the State requires a TTB permit as well as a label approval first. The Illinois Liquor Control Commission is in charge of things here, and I've emailed and called a few times and have been ignored. I shipped off my state application last week. We'll see if I can get...