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  1. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    From Scott Lab: In another clean container mix equal volumes of stuck wine and water. Generally this would total 2% of the total wine volume. (Example: For 1000 gal of stuck wine, use 10 gal water + 10 gal wine.) This container will be the “Mother Restart Tank”. So I have about 135 L (35...
  2. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    I have 7 carboys @ 5 Gallons right now. Should I work on each one individually (make a starter for each) or can I make one single water/wine starter and add it to each carboy? This would speed up the process... I could work with total volume of 7 carboys when factoring in amounts of...
  3. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    thanks guys... so whats my window? my carboys are sitting here with airlocks... no kmeta yet since i want to do an mlf should i start asap
  4. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    1.099 or1.100 - really hard to tell exactly when you first measure due to all the thick, syruppy must - and it stopped at 1.003. Actually, looking at the photo of it again, it stopped at more like 1.006 or 07
  5. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    I pressed last night. This morning I have the same reading.. no further fermentation. I know this is going to sound like a lazy man's approach - I yielded 7 carboys of 5 gallons. I actually have 7 packets of EC1118 (5 grams each) that the package states is intended for up to 6 gallons. Can I...
  6. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    Thanks to al for your assistance... hopefully I'll get to the bottom of this!
  7. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    Ya almost need to be retired to do this properly! I have very young kids at home - a newborn and a 3 year old! Oh well, when i retire this won't happen!
  8. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    It's gonna have to wait... family commitments, work come first.. I just hope I don't lose this batch. When I transfer this stuff to my basement, it's only 66 down there. Guess I'll need a heater if I intend to see if there's any fermentation left?
  9. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    Okay, now I think I understand...! Thanks
  10. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    Also, can I put this off another day? This is day 10 since yeast pitch. I just don't have the time tonight...
  11. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    I think this is what I am going to do... i just don't understand all of your suggested steps... what do you mean by adding "one cup of pressed wine , once it is bubbling add two cups, continue to do so doubling the quantity of each time the fermentation is evident..." Do you mean add one cup...
  12. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    I should mention that part of my problem was also that I was a little short on yeast... but other recommended that I had enough to get by. BM4x4 only tolerate 82 but my ambient temp hit high 80s recently... which means must was higher. I didn't measure must temp. I am still unsure what to do...
  13. S

    Stuck fermentation update

    Due to a record breaking heatwave, my fermentation stopped at 1004/1003. BM 4x4 is heat toleran to 82 - never paid attention to these facts b/c I live in Canada and I cannot recall temps in the 90s for 7 straight hit 94 twice the past few days.. So forum member recommended EC118 along...
  14. S

    Houston, we have a problem?!

    Have any of you pressed at more than 0 sugar? I think I'm at 1.007. My alcohol will be low (12% ish) and it will be slightly sweet... Maybe I will try it..
  15. S

    Houston, we have a problem?!

    Thanks... My ferment went really strong from Monday morning to Wednesday morning... then it quickly subsided... I think the heat did that. I just can't believe how hot is is this Sept here in S. Ont. We had a really wet and coolish summer... didn't expect this heat.. I will get some Ec118...
  16. S

    Houston, we have a problem?!

    Hey Smok1, the other yeast I have is ICVD254 - will this be ok? I don't have EC118 on hand but I guess I can get it tomorrow... I have some nutrients too - What if I put it in and nothing happens and I am forced to press? Will the unused yeast that I just added create problem down the road...
  17. S

    Houston, we have a problem?!

    I still have some Go Ferm and Fermaid K.. I have another yeast but not ECC118.. Should try it?
  18. S

    Houston, we have a problem?!

    Cap is pretty much done but grapes skins are still floating to surface.. seems like there's a very slight amount of fermanetation happening... small fizzle/bubbles... but ever so slight I cannot control the temps.. it's in my garage... in an open food grade plastic barrel and i cover it with an...
  19. S

    Houston, we have a problem?!

    Hey folks, So I am pretty certain I have a stuck fermentation... the level you see below is where it has been at more or less since Thursday... Shoot! Now, those of you who followed my other recent post on yeast know that I had a bit of a shortage of yeast. I didn't buy as much as...
  20. S

    PH changed...odd

    So why does the literature strongly suggest making PH adjustments even before pitching yeast if the numbers are going to be skewed anyway? I guess pre-fermentation must isn't affected by c02? Thanks guys...