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  1. S

    De-gassing - wine whip?

    This looks like a medieval weapon of torcher!!!!
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    Other A medium/full bodied red decent drinking within 6 months?

    Hey folks, I'd like to make a decent red for my father-in-law. He like Cabs but would appreciate a good full-bodied Italian (style?) red. I've considered the mid-range priced reds from Vineco (about $150 in Canada). Can these reach their potential and be drunk by Christmas or sooner? Other...
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    De-gassing - wine whip?

    Are these recommended? I've never used them... I usually just stir vigorously for an extended period.
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    Making from Juice - do I still need to kill "native yeast"?

    The wine has begun to ferment... Good idea, i will let them know. Thanks! I'll keep you posted on how it's going.
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    concerns about my OG SG readings...

    do you known if they were able to achieve a desirable end product in the cases where fermentation was underway? What was the final SG?
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    Making from Juice - do I still need to kill "native yeast"?

    So i guess the lesson is buy in the fall when the product arrives?
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    Making from Juice - do I still need to kill "native yeast"?

    So will this result in a degraded product? Is there anything else I should do? I pitched the yeast and added WYeast nutrient.. I also bought an energizer. When could I add the energizer? I am thinking as fermentation starts to really get going? Thanks...
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    concerns about my OG SG readings...

    The initial SG reading was weird for both of my juices this evening. If I am reading it correctly, the Amarone was 1.048 and the Brunello 1.042. The Amarone was fizzing a bit from a vent at the top of the pail. Both are "fresh" juices not kits. It was stored in "below freezing" temp according to...
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    Making from Juice - do I still need to kill "native yeast"?

    the SG reading was weird for both of my juices... If I am reading it correctly, the Amarone was 1.048 and the Brunello 1.042. The Amarone was fizzing a bit from a vent at the top of the pail. It was stored in "below freezing" temp according to the vendor. I felt that both had already...
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    Making from Juice - do I still need to kill "native yeast"?

    The vendor had a few leftover from the fall... I am in Toronto, Ca.
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    Making from Juice - do I still need to kill "native yeast"?

    Do you ferment in the pail that the juice comes in or your own primary fermenter? Do you oak during primary or after the first rack or two?
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    Making from Juice - do I still need to kill "native yeast"?

    Thanks for the replies. I got the room at 70. Warm Enough?
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    Making from Juice - do I still need to kill "native yeast"?

    I figure the Italian juice has to be better quality than the grapes we get here. The Cali grapes we get come from crappiest regions.
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    Making from Juice - do I still need to kill "native yeast"?

    Hey folks, I am supposed to pick up some Italian juice this weekend; an Amarone and a Brunello. These are packed in pails from Italy. I once made wine from juice but it was many years ago... I don't recall how I treated it. I usually make from fresh grapes and do the Ko2 pitch to kill native...
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    Fermentation heat belt recommendations?

    i got my yeast in a 55F room
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    Fermentation heat belt recommendations?

    packet says to store in a cool, dry place.. A fridge is cool but not dry...
  17. S

    Fermentation heat belt recommendations?

    SO I suppose it can't hurt to hydrate the Lalvin yeasts for a longer period... I picked up some Wyeast nutrient and energizer - first time using it as I have only used the fermaid stuff in the past... I think the Wyeast is a reputable product..
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    Fermentation heat belt recommendations?

    that's what I figured. I am going to set the room to 70. Rather be safe...